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.The really mean one grabbed me from the closet, and the other one pulled me away.I was trussed up like a Thanksgiving turkey and couldn’t do a damn thing.Then the creep who wanted me for other things shot the embassy guy.Problem was, the bullet hit me instead.”“My God,” Jared whispered.Suddenly drained, Mia did what felt like the most natural thing in the world.She lay down and put her head in Jared’s lap.Looking up at him, she continued: “I was unconscious and only learned how the rest played out much later.When the FBI heard the shot, they determined that they needed to go in.Both men were dead in seconds.And I was close to it.I stayed in a coma for almost two weeks.When I regained consciousness, I was completely bald and had already undergone two brain surgeries.”A large hand brushed strands of hair from her face and then almost absently caressed her head.She wondered if he even knew he was petting her.Whether he knew it or not, she loved the tenderness in his touch and hoped he wouldn’t stop.“What happened next?”“A whole lot of nothing.I had some brain damage, so I spent most of my eighteenth year in rehab, relearning motor skills and regaining my strength.I tried to go back to my old life, but it was never the same.My parents treated me like I was some sort of fragile being, and I even got along with Nadia for a while.I got engaged, too, but that was a disaster.”“Who were you engaged to?”“The son of one of my dad’s friends.Lewis had political aspirations and thought I’d be the perfect complement to his career.I shouldn’t have agreed to marry him and was trying to figure a way out of it when Nadia came to my rescue.”“The sister you didn’t get along with?”She grimaced a smile; Nadia and a real smile just didn’t belong together.“I walked in on Nadia and my fiancé having sex on our bed.”“Shit,” Jared whispered.“I hope you kicked his balls in and tore your sister’s hair out.”Laughter bubbled at that thought.Lewis had been so very proud of his sexual prowess, and Nadia loved her long blond locks.That would have been just deserts for both of them.“No, it was all very civilized.I coolly told them not to mind me.I grabbed my suitcase, threw in the things I wanted, and left.Lewis was still sitting on the bed with his mouth gaping open when I walked out the door.”A bark of laughter burst from Jared, and Mia cherished the sound, knowing that it didn’t happen often.“And that’s when you came to LCR?”“Not immediately.I went back to school for a few more semesters.And then, I just left.”It sounded more simplistic than it actually was.She’d gone from making the dean’s list to almost flunking out.Everything that had once interested her seemed lame and boring.She had begun to question everything about her life.In the middle of her last year, she’d dropped out.Her parents had been livid.“So McCall trained you?”“Yes.By then, I’d taken some self-defense courses, but Noah was quick to tell me that I had a long way to go.”The atmosphere had changed from light to somber and grim.Even though his hand still caressed her in that absentminded yet gentle way, his expression was bleak and unyielding once more.Wanting to see the darkness lift, she said, “So, you want to show me some more of your equipment?”The double entendre did its trick.His eyes glinting with amusement, he stood and then pulled her up.In a wickedly hot sweeping gaze, his eyes roamed over her.“I’ll show you mine if you show me yours.”She winked.“You first.”For the next half hour, that’s exactly what he did.By the time he’d finished, Mia was excited by all the different and new gadgets she was going to get to try out.Hopefully, they would help trap an evil man who might have done more than kidnap and sell babies.“I forgot to tell you an idea I had today.”As Mia proceeded to relate the conversation she’d overheard, Jared couldn’t help but be impressed with her instincts.She might be an overemotional, incredibly sweet person, but she was also smart and perceptive.“So do you think it’s possible he was involved in their deaths?”“Yeah, actually talked to McCall about that very idea today.And the girl, Josette [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
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