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.When only Gerry andDave were here minding Stephen.A blinding pain speared Frost s head.Stephen?Surely not.He was just an average youngman.And what about Gerry and Dave s report?Stephen had slept most of the day, only rising tomake them some food, going back to his roomjust as the other employees started arriving home.Either Gerry or Dave, then, had printed outthousands of pages, using every damn computerin the room.Fucking wankers.Fucking bastard wankers!Seeing that one of them or even both,working together had tried to erase their history238 Sarah Mastersangered him further.A spiral of fear wendedthrough him, weakening his knees and makinghim feel like throwing up.What had they done with the information?Was it now in the hands of the police? Shit, he dhave to warn the punters, get rid of the damnkids.So much to do in so little time.Closing the window, Frost opened InternetExplorer and then his email account.Attachingthe files, he sent them to James Klein, the manwho ran the Spanish end of his business.Hesighed.Everything would still be on the harddrive, but the information would be useless toanyone who tried to read it by the time he dfinished.He clicked the encrypt icon andimagined all those names and addresseschanging into symbols.If the police got hold ofthese files now, it would take a fucking genius towork out what they held.Thankfully, whoeverhad used the computer hadn t sent any files viaemail.He erased his history, shut the computerdown, and reached into the desk drawer for aset of keys.He d never had to lock the office239 Scaredbefore, but now it seemed he had to.Until theculprit was caught, that door would keepeveryone out.His face burned, the heat of rage creating theneed for him to scratch.Frost left the room,locking the door with a jerky flick of his wrist,and stormed down the corridor to the otherlanding.Once there, he took in a steadyingbreath and lunged toward Gerry s bedroom door.The room was empty.He tried Dave s room andfound it the same way, so sped down the stairs,searching out his two employees with murder onhis mind.They sat with the others at the breakfast bar,plates of bacon and eggs in front of them.Thesteam of tea or coffee spiralled from their cups,and Frost resisted the urge to pick them up anddash the hot liquid in their faces. Which one of you two went into my officeyesterday? he demanded, chest tightening,his heart thrumming an alarmingly unstablebeat.Gerry and Dave turned in their seats to lookat him, faces a picture of confusion.They glanced240 Sarah Mastersat one another, some unspoken query bristlingbetween them, then Gerry nodded.Dave spoke up. Neither of us.We wereplaying cards in the living room for most of theday sorry, boss, know that s not allowed.Likewe said, Stephen was asleep. He frownedslightly, head cocking a bit. Come to think of it,there was a noise up there at one point.Youremember that, Gerry? He stared at his friend.Gerry palmed his chin. Fuck me, yeah.Likesomeone squealed.I went up there to check itout, but no one was there.Stephen was stillasleep.Frost s mind worked overtime.Either theywere lying, or someone else had been in thehouse.Fucked off that the two men hadn t beenmanning the doors as he d instructed, he said, So someone got in.If you had been doing yourfucking jobs& ! He spun away from them,clenching his fists and gritting his teeth. Christ!You have no fucking idea what I just found.Whatcould happen to all of us if& Shit.Frost left the kitchen, feeling the shockedstares of his men on his back.His feet skidded on241 Scaredthe tile, and he stormed upstairs, hand grippingthe banister rail to aid his haste.Rounding thenewel post, he lumbered toward Stephen s door,smashing it open so the handle bashed into thewall.A dull tinkle of broken plaster showered thewooden floor.Stephen sprang up in bed, his hair mussed,eyes wide.The rosy hue of sleep drained from hischeeks, leaving him white, purple bags under hiseyes standing out starkly.Even his lips paledabove a quivering chin.Frost stared at him, not wanting to believethis beautiful man had deceived him, butStephen s expression said it all.The man clearlywasn t used to lying, hiding his emotions, andthey played out now, eyes flicking left to right,fingers whittling the quilt.Why did it have to be you? I wanted& I hadsuch good plans for us.He put a stop to the musings of his heart.Hismind had to take control now.Gerry and Davehad been relaxed, normal no way could it havebeen them.Frost had an inbuilt bullshit detector,one that had stood him in good stead over the242 Sarah Mastersyears, and he smelled the stink of manure clearand strong [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
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