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.Alodar reached the floor without a challenge and quickly ran for the tier thatcontained the reference he needed."The neophyte," someone yelled behind him.He dove forward and rolled as theyellow flash lashed out over his head and hit the tier in front, rippingscrolls apart and sending small scraps fluttering to the floor.Alodar crawledto his left and overturned a table as a second bolt followed the first,crashing into the protesting beams he flung in the way.A moment passed and nothird shaft came.Inching up on his knees, he saw his attackers facing anotherdirection and warding off the thrust of a dagger which seemed to dart throughthe air of its own volition.Alodar scrambled back to the tier and with both arms spread the jumble ofmanuscripts.His hand closed on a familiar form; and with a feeling of suddentriumph, he grasped the other handle of the scroll he sought.He bounded to his feet and ran back to the staircase, ducking and dodging theblasts of magic power that came his way.He thrust the scroll into his beltand started up the incline, both hands pulling him forward.He circled arounda third of the distance, not pausing to look back but thinking only of thesand that remained in the glass.Suddenly he tripped and lurched forward,shins banging against the steps ahead.He wriggled hia feet frantically, butthey remained steadfast to the step on which he had just landed."The all-holding glue of Deckadin," he heard above him and looked up to seeFulmbar slowly descending in his direction."It is well I decided to take avantage point up here," the magician said, "although I did not suspect to havemy trap sprung so quickly."The room rocked with another rumble and the stairs groaned in protest.Alodar's legs wrenched violently with the wave of power but he remained firmlyrooted still."The sphere!" he yelled."Release me so that I can finish the ritual, or weare all lost.""I am a master magician, neophyte," Fulmbar snapped back."I will not beguiled by a trick so transparent.Lectonil has the matter well in hand, else Iwould see him bolt down these stairs to signal us to safety.You will boldyour position until I summon aid."Before Alodar could speak again, Fulmbar's eyes suddenly widened and he threwhis hands upwards.Alodar instinctively ducked and felt cold metal fly by and brush over hisPage 113 ABC Amber Palm Converter, http://www.processtext.com/abcpalm.htmlback.He looked forward to see Fulmbar suddenly enmeshed in a net of finesilver wire that clung to him tightly and pulled him down.'The net of the perfect catch," Fulmbar shrieked as he tore at the mesh, whileit propelled him stumbling down the stairwell.The magician lurched againstAlodar and dug a hand into his arm as he stumbled past.Alodar was twistedaround by the grip, and then pulled backward onto the hard steps as his feetremained firmly locked into place.Fulmbar continued down the stairs andAlodar felt nails cut deep as the grip slipped up his arm.Using his freehand, Alodar tore at the fingers which held him, grasping at a beaded braceletaround the magician's wrist.With a final scream, Fulmbar relinquished hishold and fell with a rush, bounding headfirst on each step as he went.Thebracelet snapped hi Alodar's fingers; simultaneously his boots popped free.file:///F|/rah/Lyndon%20Hardy/Hardy,%20Lyndon%20-%20Master%20of%20Five%20Magics,%20The.txt (109 of 207) [6/4/03 9:25:36 PM]file:///F|/rah/Lyndon%20Hardy/Hardy,%20Lyndon%20-%20Master%20of%20Five%20Magics,%20The.txtAnother bolt of yellow sizzled up after Alodar as he rose to climb, but hepaid it no heed.The building shook with the biggest explosion yet, and he sawa gaping hole torn in the north wall, creating a shower of brick and gleamingred stones.His lungs heaving, Alodar reached the apex and closed and locked the heavydoor in the floor.He looked quickly at the remaining sphere which now glowedred hot with a line of fiery yellow around itHe unrolled the scroll and began to scan rapidly down the contents.The entireritual fitted into a fifth-order magic square, and the tying of knots occupiedthe center cell.Replacing the three knots by two changed the value from fiveto nineteen and the square no longer balanced its sums.Alodar hurried over the bulk of the text which dealt with the shielding handand its variations.Near the end of the roll he found what he wanted, a footnote on transformingthe squares so that they became panmagic, summing the same on all diagonals aswell as by row and column.Quickly he worked the equations to produce the fournon-equivalent variations.The third was the one he sought; the first twoelements were the same as the ritual he had started, but the rest werepermuted and the central value was nineteen.Alodar drew a deep breath and plunged into the ritual.He poured a ring offine powder around the box containing the sphere, lit it in a flash of smoke,and nodded with satisfaction as the globe began to spin.He clapped his handstogether thrice, then slammed the lid of the box shut, wincing from the burnto his fingertips."Another knot next," he growled and began weaving togetherfour short pieces of colored twine.The steps followed one another rapidly and Alodar lost track of the time inhis concentration to perform each one with precision.He would have no chanceto go back and try again if all was not done correctly.Finally he approachedthe end and beat out the syncopated rhythm that had been third in the standardritual.He lifted the small flute to his lips and started the slow count tothirty that would signify completion.Now with only one step remaining, Alodar's eyes darted to the glass, to seethe last of the sand begin its fall to the lower chamber.He filled bis lungsto blow before the final particles hit but checked himself with the knowledgethat it would do no good.The blast of the pure note must come when it wasneeded, not before.Sweat broke out on his forehead as he watched the trickle slow and a hole growin the smooth surface and begin to widen to the edge of the glass.Five countsto go, and the sand continued its relentless fall.Only a layer seemingly one gram thick coated the nec.k of the tube; then, withone coordinated wave, it rolled downward through the opening.Four countsremained three two.Alodar grimaced from the expected impact of the explosionPage 114 ABC Amber Palm Converter, http://www.processtext.com/abcpalm.htmlto come.Then, as the final grains hit the mound beneath, he blew a piercingnote that filled the small chamber with sound.The echoes faded quickly, and Alodar's shoulders slumped with relief in thesilence [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
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