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."Rock chuckled."Well that and he's hot."He laughed, nodded."He's ours, sure enough and I wouldn't give for him.""Wouldn't give what?" Rock asked with another wink."Anything." He grinned, squeezed Rock's leg.Rock chuckled and pulled ito the parking lot."Not a chain.This place looks like it's been hereawhile.Could be a new favorite.""If they've got salad for me and potatoes for the kid, we're gold."Rock chuckled."There's nothing wrong with a meal made up solely of meat.""Only if you're talking morning blowjobs.""Now you're talking about stuff that's sacred.""You mean you're not tired of my mouth after all these years?" He grinned, pleased and warm andmore than a touch horny."Tired? Of that mouth? Don't you even think it." Rock growled, eyes hot."Mmm." He leaned, rubbing his cheek against Rock's arm, humming low.Rock chuckled."We're here.And the kid's headed over wondering why the hell we aren't out ofthe truck yet.You up to this?""The kid's known us long enough to know why we aren't out of the truck, Blue.He's coming overto tease.""Well if I'm getting teased it's going to be for something." Rock's mouth came down on his, hotand pushy.Oh.He moaned, opening wide, hands jittering on Rock's chest.Dick knocked on the window, but Rock took his time breaking the kiss, a smug look on his Blue'sface."Keep it in your pants," teased Dick as Rock opened his door.He blinked over, grinning like a damn fool."Y'all need to feed me."Out of the Closet 41 Dick's mouth twitched."Substantial as Rock is, you need something more than his spunk, whichmeans you're going to need to get out of the truck.""Do you kiss my momma with that mouth?" He giggled -- oh, shit, if he was giggling, he was inserious trouble with his boys.Dick's twitching lips turned into outright laughter and Rock rolled his eyes."Don't make me carryyou in there, Rigger.I don't need my caveman reputation started quite that spectacularly.""I'm comin'.I'm comin'." He slid out of the truck, frowned."Did I leave my hat in the Jeep,Pretty?""I didn't notice it, Rig.But you didn't have it at the bar, so you must have.""Cool." He nodded.He was probably okay without it from the truck to the restaurant.Dickchuckled and for some reason, flanked him on the other side from Rock.He didn't mind it,though.They were his and he was liking it.Course it was sorta like being famous.Dr.Rigger,Blowjobs to the Stars, or some such shit.He wondered idly if you got benefits from a gig likethat.They went into the little restaurant that couldn't have had more than twenty tables, more than halfof which were full.Rock took the lead, getting them their table, talking steak with the waitresswho happened to be the owner's daughter.He didn't bother to look at the menu -- Rock was in hiselement.Hell, if the world was covered in one steakhouse after another? His Blue would behappy as a pig in shit.They had Cokes all around, which came with his and Dick's salads and a plate of batteredmushrooms."There you go, Rig -- you can stop badgering me for the week -- I'm eatingvegetables.""Mushrooms aren't veggies, Rock." Still, they were tasty and he stole one."Mmm.good.""Well they're not meat." Rock grinned at him and popped another one in his mouth, forstallingany comeback.He chewed, the couple of bites reminding him how hungry he was."The girls looked interested iny'all's gym.""You don't think they were just being polite?" Dick asked."No, that one gal wanted a look at your tail in shorts and a t-shirt, kid."Dick stuck his tongue out at Rock, colouring just a little."You think it would only take a little Latina to make him switch teams?" Rig winked, chuckled.42 Out of the Closet "I'm not switching anything," assured Dick."I'm happy where I am."Rock chuckled."You sure, kid?""One hundred percent."Rig winked."No one else will let him pick the peppers off the pizza and feed them to the dogs.""How come you let him do that -- aren't those vegetables? I actually eat those.We've got a doublestandard going here." Rock dipped his battered mushroom in the ranch sauce and ate it."Okay, new rule.You pick off the peppers and feed them to the Rocketman, kid.""Hey!" Rock fixed him with a glare, Dick giggling madly beside him.He gave Rock a butter-wouldn't-melt-in-his-mouth smile."We can't have double standards,Blue.""The double standard is him getting to pick off vegetables without a fuss and me getting oneevery time I don't eat them." Rock looked toward the kitchen door."Where's our steaks?""What did you get me, Rocketman?" He took a sip of his Coke, stealing a green pepper fromDick's salad."Stir fry.The kid's having the New York strip and I'm having a porterhouse.""Mmm.sounds good." He nodded, stomach rumbling loud."Real good.""Patty was telling me her mother makes a chocolate cake that makes angels weep.We're taking awhole one home.""Yeah? We have vanilla ice cream in the freezer? I like a little to cut the sweetness.""We can pick some up on the way -- can't have too much ice-cream." Meat and sweets, and sex,that's what his Rock was all about."Cool.I need some supplies for my office, too.Maybe some snacks or something, in case I misslunch."The food came, fresh and heaped on the plate and Rock actually moaned as he dug in."Shit, this is good, like homemade." Dick was eating enthusiastically."Man, I bet that cake'samazing [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
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