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."We're back, boys!""Gotta go," growled Rock, letting go of his cock and grabbing one of the bottles."Bitch." He grabbed the other two, setting one hard against his cock.Rock winked and adjusted himself in his jeans.Then that son of a bitch reached out and tweakedhis nipple through his t-shirt, winked again, and headed back to the game.He growled and grumbled, then took Daddy a beer, settling way out of the way of Rock's hands.Rock shot him a look and mouthed "coward" at him, but those blue eyes were just dancing for him.He rolled his eyes, grabbed a handful of Chex mix.Asshole.Beautiful fucking asshole."Your momma leave us supper, boy?""Yes, sir.Chili.It's all ready whenever."Daddy nodded."She say when she was coming home?"Rig shook his head."No, sir.She's shopping."Rock shook his head."Football on and she's shopping.I never will get women.""Oh, now.You see, she'll go spend my money, get herself gussied up and happy, and then she'llmake my life easy for a bit.That's a nice thing -- a couple of pairs of shoes fixes all her woes."Lord, Rig was glad Momma wasn't here to hear that.Rock just laughed."I know all about woe fixing, but shopping's got nothing to do with it." Thoseeyes met his again, full of heat."Shit, son.That may be the only reason to go for bulls instead of cows.Less jewelry buying."Rig almost snorted."Nope.Not the only reason.Not even close." Rock winked at him and by the time Daddy'd swungaround to look at Rock, butter wouldn't melt in his Marine's mouth.64 Sean MichaelOh, good lord.Rig fought his laugh with everything he had, just holding it in as hard as he could.Daddy just stared at Rock for a long second, one eyebrow raising.Rock took a long drink of beer, licked his lips, and looked over at Daddy."You're missing thegame, Jeremy." There was a muscle in Rock's jaw that was just twitching.Thank God the Cowboys intercepted the ball right about then, sending them all screaming andhollering as this tackle started trying to run down the field.They settled back in after the play,watching the tail end of the game.Rock shook his head when it was over."I backed the wrong horses this time around.What do yousay, Jeremy? Double or nothing on this last game?""You got it, Marine.What do y'all say we get some chili during the pre-game? I've had a beer toomany.""Yeah, that sounds good.We got cornbread, Rig?" Rock stood and stretched for him."Why don'tyou stay comfy, Jeremy, I'll help Rig dish up." Rock's eyes met his."I can make some up real quick.It'll take a half hour, or so.""Yeah? I'll head out and get the feeding done then, son.We'll meet back here in thirty." Daddystood, stretched a little."You sure, Daddy? I can do both.""Nah.I'm good.You make cornbread as good as your momma's?""No sir, but it's not bad.""Only cornbread I've tasted that's better is Charlene's.You need some help with that feeding,Jeremy?" Rock even sounded like he wanted to help, bless him."Nah, you help Alex out.I got a routine." That and Rock wasn't the most bull-friendly human beingon earth."If you're sure.We'll see you in thirty -- be ready, my team's gonna wipe the floor with your boysthis time." Rock nodded and grabbed their empties, carrying them out to the kitchen, giving him afine view of that ass.Daddy chuckled, headed for his jacket and work boots, and Rig followed that ass.Rock was good,let him get all the ingredients for the cornbread dug out and ready before the teasing started again.It started out slow, Rock brushing by him as he went over to get to the bowls out, then brushing byagain as he set them next to the slow cooker.He'd just measured the ingredients into the bowl when Rock pushed up against him again, armreaching past him to grab a glass out of the cupboard, cock solid as an iron bar against his ass.65 Personal Leave"You are an evil man, Jim South." Rig adored him."Hey, I offered to help your Daddy with his chores.I deserve a reward -- he could have taken meup on it!" Rock rubbed against him as he spoke."He could have.Then that big old bull could have hunted your butt." He rubbed right back, cockhard as a rock.Rock groaned."Yep.And then how could I have hunted yours?" Rock's hands slid around his hips,fingertips just brushing the sides of his prick."Hurry up and get that made, Rig [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
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