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.If they could not use it immediately—as fodder, as quarters, as plunder, then it should be put to the torch.The borders of orc clans are often desolate places, as each side seeks to deny the other resources.”Khadgar shook his head.“These arenot resources,” he said hotly.“These are lives.This land was once green and verdant, with fields and forests.Now it’s a wasteland.Look at this! Can there be any peace between humans and orcs?”Garona said nothing.They continued in on silence that day, and camped in the shambles of an inn.They slept in separate rooms, he in the wreckage of the common room, she moving farther back to the kitchen.He didn’t suggest they stay together, and neither did she.Khadgar was awakened by the growls of his stomach.They had fled the tower with little but what they had on their backs, and save for some foraged berries and ground nuts, they had not eaten in over a day.The young mage extricated himself from the raindamp straw tic that made his bed, his joints protesting.He had not camped in the open since his arrival at Karazhan, and he felt out of shape.The fear of the previous day had ebbed entirely, and he wondered about his next move.Stormwind was their stated target, but how would he get someone like Garona into the city? Maybe find something to disguise her.Or did she even want to come? Now that she was free of the tower, maybe it would be better for her to rejoin Gul’dan and the Stormreaver clan.Something moved along the wrecked side of the building.Probably Garona.She had to be as hungry as Khadgar.She hadn’t complained, but he assumed from the wreckage left behind that orcs required a lot of food to keep them in top fighting form.Khadgar stood up, shook the cobwebs from his mind, and leaned out the remains of a window to ask her if there was anything left in the kitchen.And was faced with one edge of a huge double-bladed ax, leveled at his neck.At the opposite end of the ax was the jade-green face of an orc.A real orc.Khadgar had not realized until now how accustomed to Garona’s face he had become, such that the heavy jaw and sloped brow were a shock to him.The orc growled, “Wuzzat?”Khadgar slowly raised both hands, all the while calling up in his mind the magical energy.A simple spell, enough to knock the creature aside, to get Garona and get away.Unless Garona had brought them here, he suddenly realized.He hesitated, and that was enough.He heard something behind him, but did not get to turn as something large and heavy came down on the back of his neck.He could not have been out long—long enough for a half-dozen orcs to spill into the room and start pushing through the rubble with their axes.They wore green armbands.Bleeding Hollow clan, his memory told him.He stirred, and the first orc, the one with the double-bladed ax, spun on him again.“Wharsyurstuth?” said the orc.“Wharyuhidit?”“What?” asked Khadgar, wondering if it was the orc’s voice or his own ears that were mangling the language.“Your stuff,” said the orc, slower.“Your gear.You gots nothing.Where did you hide it?”Khadgar spoke without thinking.“No stuff.Lost it earlier.No stuff.”The orc snorted.“Then you die,” he snarled, and raised his blade.“No!” shouted Garona from the ruined doorway.She looked like she had spent a bad night, but had a brace of hares on a leather thong hanging from her belt.She had been out hunting.Khadgar felt mildly embarrassed for his earlier thoughts.“Git out, half-breed,” snapped the orc.“None of your business.”“You’re killing my property, that makes it my business,” said Garona.Property?thought Khadgar, but held his tongue.“Prop’ty?” lisped the orc.“Who’s you to have prop’ty?”“I am Garona Halforcen,” snarled the woman, twisting her face into a mask of rage.“I serve Gul’dan, warlock of the Stormreaver clan.Damage my property and you’ll have to deal with him!”The orc snorted again.“Stormreavers? Pah! I hear they are a weak clan, pushed around by their warlock!”Garona gave him a steely glare.“What Ihear was that Bleeding Hollow failed to support the Twilight Hollow clan in the recent attack on Stormwind, and that both clans were thrown back.Ihear that humans beat you in a fair fight.Is that true?”“Dat’s beside the point,” said the Bleeding Hollow orc.“Dey had horses.”“Maybe I can…” said Khadgar, trying to rise to his feet.“Down, slave!” shouted Garona, cuffing him hard and sending him backward.“You speak when spoken to, and not before!”The lead orc took the opportunity to take a step forward, but as soon as Garona had finished she wheeled again, and a long-bladed dagger was pointed at the orc’s midsection.The other orcs backed away from the brewing fight.“Do you dispute my ownership?” snarled Garona, fire in her eyes and her muscles tensed to drive the blade through the leather armor.There was silence for a moment.The Bleeding Hollow orc looked at Garona, looked at the sprawled Khadgar, and looked at Garona again.He snorted and said, “Go get something worth fighting for, first, half-breed!”And with that the orc leader backed away.The others relaxed, and started to file out of the ruined common room.One of his subordinates asked him as they left the building, “What duz she have a use for human slave anyway?”The orc leader said something that Khadgar could not hear.The subordinate shouted from outside,“Dat’sdisgusting!”Khadgar tried to stand, but Garona waved her hand for him to stay down.Despite himself, Khadgar flinched.Garona moved to the empty window, watched for a moment, then returned to where Khadgar had propped himself up against the wall.“I think they’re gone,” she said at last.“I was afraid they might double back to even the score.Their leader is probably going to be challenged tonight by his subordinates.”Khadgar touched the tender side of his face.“I’m fine, thanks for asking.”Garona shook her head.“You idiot of a paleskin! If I hadn’t knocked you down, the orc leader would have killed you outright, and then turned on me because I couldn’t keep you in line.”Khadgar sighed deeply.“Sorry.You’re right.”“You’re right I’m right,” said Garona.“They kept you alive long enough for me to get back only because they thought you’d hidden something in the inn.That you wouldn’t be dumb enough to be out in the middle of a war zone without equipment.”“Did you have to hit that hard?” asked Khadgar.“To convince them? Yes.Not that I didn’t enjoy it.” She threw the hares at him.“Here, skin these and get the water boiling.There’re still pots and some tubers left in the kitchen [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
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