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.Arcadi.You see, I didn't stop seeing Johnny when I met Arnold.I went back to kill him.His usefulness was over, you see.But our Oriental friend here snatched Arcadi out of my arms, and led me directly to Remo.That was the beginning of how I learned about you and CURE." She sighed."Really, Smith.You should have stayed out of this.I only wanted to put Arcadi out of his Page 107ABC Amber Palm Converter, http://www.processtext.com/abcpalm.htmlmisery.""And Hassam," Remo said."And everyone in his house.And Pappy.And the guys in the warehouse.And the men in the plane.There must have been a lot of misery going around.""Oh, my," she said, smiling."Never have so many given so much.And all for li'l ole Darcy Devoe.But I couldn't very well have kept them alive, could I?""What about me?" Remo asked."Why didn't you get rid of me in the first place?""How could I? I saw you fight.I knew what you could do.I was hoping the explosion in the plane would have done the trick, but even that didn't work.In the end, though, I was glad.You killed Donnelly for me.""You can't keep killing everyone who knows about you," Smith said."Pretty soon you'll have to kill off the whole world.""Oh, I don't think so.I'll have a nice little life in Peruvina.Build a new house, travel.""How is Peruvina yours?" Remo asked."Maybe you were Arnold's partner, but—""She was Arnold's wife," Smith said."Her real name is Linda Smith.According to my information, Arnold Donnelly married a Linda Smith five months ago.Esmeralda's property went to Donnelly and his son upon her death.When they died, it all became the estate of Linda Smith.""And no one knows who Linda Smith is," Remo said."Very convenient.""Poor Arnold," Darcy sighed."He was such a nice little husband, too.He even agreed to kill himself rather than face the police or jail.I said I'd do the same.He believed we'd be in paradise together now.""With no confessions to the law," Remo said.Darcy shook her head."Arnold was a real twerp.But useful.""Does everything and everyone in your life have to be useful?" Smith asked.She looked blank."Well, certainly," she said."What a ridiculous question, especially from you.Don't pretend not to understand me, Dr.Smith.Because I understand you.We're two of a kind.Thorough, cautious, secretive.I do believe, Harold, that if I didn't have to kill you, I would have fallen in love with you.You really shouldn't have interfered.We could have been happy together."With the revolver still trained on Smith, she picked up the attaché case and placed the portable telephone inside it."And now, gentlemen, I have to be going."She pressed a combination of keys on the computer.The machine emitted a low hum that grew louder.Behind her, on the wall opposite the ladder entrance, a narrow steel panel slid open."The magic of science," she said, backing through it.When she had gone, the panel slid shut again.After a few seconds a deep rumble sounded behind it."She let us live," Smith said.Page 108ABC Amber Palm Converter, http://www.processtext.com/abcpalm.htmlRemo eyed the computer.It was growing louder by the second.He switched off the power button.Nothing happened."Like hell," he said, shoving Smith toward the wall."This thing's a bomb."Chiun was already at the metal panel, tracing its outline with his fingernail.The panel loosened.He pressed harder against it.It wouldn't give.He pulled it out.Behind it was a wall of solid earth."It filled in to block the entrance when she left," Smith realized."There is another way out, but—"Remo was climbing the ladder."Don't!" Smith shouted.The jolt of electricity from the opening sent Remo flying backward into the room, the skin of his hand blackened.His face was contorted in pain."My bad hand," he growled.Remo felt the pain emanating like waves from his injured hand.First a bullet, then electricity.Of the two, he far preferred the bullet.Nothing hurt like electric shock, because it brought fear along with the pain.Every nerve ending in his sensitive system seemed to be screaming.Not electricity! Fire, bullets, knives, but not electricity.He had once been sentenced to die in an electric chair."She's reset the charge through the computer," Smith said, opening his leather tool kit."Maybe I can dismantle this." He turned a couple of screws, rearranged some wires."Unfortunately, I don't know this machine.It could take hours, and she's probably got the explosive, wherever that is, on some kind of timer to allow her a few minutes to get away.""Can we dig our way out?" Remo asked."Too slow," Chiun said [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
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