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.An explosion at the secondary facility that housedthe disc backups took care of those as well.We assumed it was a Breed assault.Jonas was even more closemouthed than she had given him credit for.Once he hadmanaged transferring the Council file databases, he had implanted a virus so insidiousthat it had taken the Council computer geeks months to catch it.By then, every Breedfile they possessed, as well as backups, had been corrupted.The explosion at thesecondary facility had been a stroke of genius as well. So there s nothing left? he asked softly.She shrugged again. There were hard copies of some files, though those containedvery little information.Mostly training stats, genetic source, and so forth.Many of thephotos are lost forever though.They re still attempting to put their files back together. Tanner s Scheme  Breeds 09 Page 171 of 403Tanner s lips pursed. We knew about the explosion, and the virus, but we had no ideahow extensive the damage was. Of course you knew. She smiled. I remembered your file though; I read it severaltimes after you were appointed the head of Public Relations at Sanctuary.You andCabal were created as twins, then separated after the first year for training purposes.If Iread correctly, he wasn t as cooperative as you were with the training.Her chest clenched at the thought of how uncooperative he had been.Cabal had beenhorribly abused at the German lab in which he had been confined. He was nearly dead when we found him, he stated. Which makes me wonder whyyou re asking about him.Your father was the head of the committee that decided life ordeath, Scheme.His signature was on Cabal s cancellation papers. Mine wasn t, she pointed out.She hadn t known of the cancellation orders that had gone out that month.If she had,she would have made certain that one was shredded.The mode of death had beenparticularly horrific. I found him in that pit, he suddenly snarled. Half-dead, surrounded by the Breeds thathad been thrown in there with him, their bodies already decomposing.He had almostbled out from the strikes those knives had made at him.The only thing that had saved Cabal was the fact that the soldiers had overfilled the pitwith Breeds.The smooth stone walls were fitted with deadly sharp daggers that struckin a random pattern.The fact that he had evaded a deadly thrust was a testament to histraining.He had managed to calculate the timing and direction of each thrust as otherBreeds died around him. Tanner s Scheme  Breeds 09 Page 172 of 403Her father had helped design that pit.It was first implemented as a training pit; therandom thrusts of the dagger-sharp blades were used to train and test the Breeds ontheir ability to sense where and when danger would strike.One or two Breeds at a timein the pit and the blades did little damage.But once it was determined that as a trainingtool, the pit was ineffective, then it had been used instead as a means of mass murder.It was quite effective in that. He survived, she reminded him, steeling herself against the knowledge of the horrificcrimes committed against the Breeds. And now you re asking about him. He leaned back in his chair, crossing his arms overhis chest and staring back at her with a glint of anger. I was merely curious.The two of you are rarely seen apart now. You don t want to know about Cabal, Scheme, he half-snarled. His hatred for yourfather is deeper than most Breeds.He would break your neck before I could stop him. What difference, him or another? She rose from the table, lifted her plate and cup andcarried them to the sink. Forget I asked. Are you ready tell me why your father wanted you dead?She had known that question would return. I assume he believes I m betraying him.It s normally the only reason he goes to suchextremes.She slipped the knife she had managed to slide her fingers over into the hand she hadplaced behind her back as they talked. Tanner s Scheme  Breeds 09 Page 173 of 403 He didn t entrust me with as much information as the Breeds assume he did.I was avery small cog in the whole organization.But I know enough to make him uncomfortablewith a few things that have happened lately. Such as?She shrugged, forcing a mocking smile to her lips [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
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