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.At the end, when the lights came up, he offered to take questions.Hands shot up throughout the theater.“Do you shoot your films using digital?” asked a woman near the front.Knapp swept his hair back from his face.“No, I only use digital for still photographs.For my movies, I prefer shooting with old-fashioned film.There is a quality to film that you don’t get with video—a richness in color, a depth, a dimension.Plus, what you shoot is real.It’s very easy to manipulate digital images.”“Rumor has it you and Becker found something unusual in the swamp.Can you confirm it?”Rachel swiveled around to see who had asked the question.Liam Kelly sat on the edge of his seat.Had he overheard Becker talking in the Nest, or overheard her conversation with Knapp at lunchtime?A murmur raced through the crowd.“That is outside the scope of this discussion,” answered Knapp.He seemed uncomfortable, and his gaze swept over the audience.“Was it the red-cockaded woodpecker, or something else?”Rachel wondered if, like her, they were all thinking ivory-billed woodpecker.The crowd refused to let the question rest.“Did you see the actual bird or just foraging signs?” someone else shouted.“Did you get it on film?”Knapp stood silent until the audience fell quiet.The tension in the room was palpable.“I will only take questions relating to my film or technique,” he stated.Behind Rachel, a woman said, “He must have gotten it on film.Why else would he be so evasive? I’ll bet that’s what we’ll be seeing on Saturday night.”Knapp pointed to a young man in the front.“The word is out that you’re filming a new TV show about birding.Can you tell us if there’s any truth to that?”Annoyance or discomfort flickered across Knapp’s face.He started to open his mouth when Guy Saxby appeared from the opposite side of the audience and took the stage.“I can address that one,” said Saxby.“Can everyone hear me? You, in the back?”“What the hell—” Knapp pushed forward to center stage.Satisfied with the crowd’s answer, Saxby basked in the spotlight.“I was going to wait and announce this tomorrow night, but since the word is out.” He nodded toward the young man, and Rachel wondered if the boy was a plant, possibly one of Saxby’s current graduate students.“It’s my pleasure to inform you that one of the major networks has picked up my new series, Extreme Birding.We’re going to be filming the pilot tomorrow.”“What the.” Knapp’s face turned the shade of sweet beets.Another murmur rippled through the crowd.“Film crews will accompany tomorrow’s swamp trip into the Okefenokee, where we’ll be turning five teams loose on Swamper’s Island.The goal will be for each team to list the most birds, and the most unusual species, within a specified amount of time.”“What’s the prize?” someone shouted.“Fifty thousand dollars to the winning team, and a matching donation to the birding organization of the winning team’s choice.”Rachel’s heart started pounding, and she raised her hand to her chest.Fifty thousand dollars.Dorothy, Cecilia, and Lark could be counted on to tally up birds, but she was out of her league.My God, what had she gotten herself into?The crowd clapped, as Knapp’s voice boomed through the speaker system.“This is not the time or the place, Guy.How many times are you going to pull this sh—”When he realized he was talking into the mike, he cut himself off and addressed the crowd.“It seems Mr.Saxby has stolen my thunder.I, too, have a televised series in the works.”The crowd “oohed” appreciatively, and Knapp’s face brightened.Maybe he figured all was not lost.“It’s a documentary series of exploits in the bird world, called Avian Adventures.It’s been in the works for a while.” Here he shot a pointed look at Saxby.“As we say in the business, the first episode is in the can.The series is expected to air sometime next month.”Knapp looked at Saxby as if daring a response.Saxby smiled as if he’d gotten an accolade.“Well, you know what they say, great minds think alike.”“My team views this as art, not sport,” countered Knapp.Switching off the microphone, he spoke directly to Saxby.Rachel strained to hear.Knapp’s face had lightened to Bing cherry red, but he still looked mad.His movements were choppy.His voice sounded angry.If only she could make out the words [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
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