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.Then again, she seemed distracted.“I don't trust him! He says his organization wants to save the world, but he's willing to let people die if they don't join him! That's not the type of person who wants to save the world!” I said.I was babbling and probably doing more harm than good, but I couldn't keep my mouth shut.“I don't know who you are or what you're doing, I don't have any reason to believe him! I just want to know what I'm getting into before I commit!”The woman snorted, but said nothing.The man rose to his feet, brushed off his knees, and then stepped over to me and grabbed the front of my shirt.He lifted me up off the ground one-handed and I heard my shirt's seams start to rip.“Have you ever considered that maybe our organization is trying to save the world from fools like you?” he asked in a conversational tone.“Fools who insist that they want to be normal, live a normal life, marry a normal girl, raise normal kids.But you can't.You won't.And you won't fucking accept it!” All of a sudden, I was flying through the air, part of my shirt still clutched in his fist.“Stop!” Something caught me before I hit the ground.The woman beckoned to the man.“Shade, stop.I need your help, before we lose her.”“Lose her?” the man asked.Whatever force was holding me up abruptly let go and I fell to the ground yet again.My knees were violently protesting this treatment and my head was spinning and I was freezing with my shirt torn open and ruined.I hunched forward and limped back toward them, trying not to distract them.Even so, he noticed me.“What the hell are you doing? I already told you, there's nothing you can do.Why don't you just crawl into a hole somewhere and die?”“I want to help!” I said.The woman sighed.“You can't.You don't know how.Watch, if you want.Pray, if you're of a mind to.”“How badly is she hurt?” I pressed for answers.The woman pushed her sunglasses up over her forehead and looked at me.Her eyes were glowing bright green.“What's your name?”“Kevin.”The woman nodded.Her hand rested against Nikki's forehead.“Kevin.I'll explain as quickly as I can.Consider me a medical professional.She hit the wall hard enough to break bones.Her skull is fractured, she has a severe concussion, and her scalp is split.Plenty of blood loss.Help her generate blood.” Her last words were directed to the man.“On it,” he said.“Below the neck, her spine has a few minor fractures.It doesn't look like there's any spinal damage, so you didn't paralyze her.If she had spun any further, she might have broken her back.Lucky girl.As lucky as you can get when flung through the air like that.”“How did I fling her so far?” I asked.She either didn't hear me, or ignored my question.“Her left arm twisted behind her when she hit.Her elbow joint is damaged.She may have other internal injuries, but it doesn't seem like she has any life-threatening injuries below the neck.Modern medicine would have her in the hospital for weeks.Physical rehab for months.”“You make it sound like modern medicine is lacking,” I said.The woman favored me with a small smile.“Barring any serious issues, we'll have her back on her feet tomorrow.”“Speaking of serious issues, she's in shock,” the man said.“I think she's about to stroke out.”“What?” The woman turned away from me and the green glow from her eyes brightened.“I see.Subdural hematoma.She hit harder than I thought.Can you stabilize the blood vessels while I handle the hematoma?”“I don't think so.I'm not too good with anything more than the basics.” The man let a hissing breath out.“I can keep an eye on her vitals and try to keep her blood pressure from going too high.”“Good enough.I'm going to reinforce the blood vessels in the brain.Once that's stable, I'll drain the hematoma.As long as I can keep it from getting any worse, she'll pull through.” The woman placed her other hand on top of Nikki's head and winced.I shuddered.Just her simple descriptions of what had happened were painful enough.“Is there anything I can do to help? Anything at all?” I pleaded.“I did this to her, I need to do something!”“You can't [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
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