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.” Ellie grinned.“Paid off the house and still had plenty left to travel all over the U.S.” She pursed her lips.“That’s great.” Ellie placed her napkin on the plate.Ginger studied her face.“You ever need to talk you know where to find me.”Ellie swallowed and twirled her earring.“No.I’m good.” She forced a smile.“I’ve never been better.”***After half a bottle of Pepto, Jacob’s stomach finally calmed down.He knew better than to go after Ellie.He was done running after women.He sat on his sofa and flicked on the TV.After five minutes of channel surfing, he turned the TV back off.There was something about Ellie that he just couldn’t let go of.His head and his heart were in a battle.The woman had obviously been hurt, just as he had.How could two hurt and distrustful people start a relationship? Life was never easy.Never had been.Why should this be any different? Jacob grew up without knowing who his dad was.His mom had been sort of wild in her younger days and had given new meaning to backpacking through Europe.She’d kept him, though, and done the best she could.God rest her soul.He roamed around the apartment, checking for dirty laundry.Jacob gave up moping around and went to bed.He lay there in the dark, trying to think of a way to make it literally rain jelly beans.***Ellie looked at her reflection in the mirror.What was she doing? What if this was one of those moments in life she looked back and regretted her stupid decisions? Jacob had embraced her, so sweet and gentle.His puppy-dog eyes reminded her of a small child begging for a new toy.Or just one more piece of candy.She giggled.He did eat a lot of candy.Her love of the sweet stuff had started when she was four when her father bought her a board game called Candy Land.The colorful game had made quite an impression that stuck with her to this day.Bryce hated candy.She should’ve known right then that something had to be wrong with him.Jacob was different.Enough thinking about Jacob and his puppy-dog eyes.Ellie walked out the door and got into her car.With her grand opening only being a couple days away, she had to focus.She couldn’t open the shop all by herself.Anxious to find the right person to help her in the shop, Ellie parked her car.The first interview was a flop.The mean old lady didn’t even like children.How could she ever work in a toy shop if she thought children were annoying and whiney?Her next interview was in five minutes.Payton walked in with four minutes to spare dressed in jeans and a Tootsie Roll T-shirt.The girl was about the age Ellie was when she’d left home.Though, Payton looked much younger with her freckled face and blond hair in a pageboy cut.Trying not to judge a book by its cover, Ellie suppressed her excitement.“What are your qualifications?”“Well, besides being a cashier for two years, I have a Barbie collection and love kids.”Whoo hoo! “Can you start in a couple days?”“The sooner the better.My other job went out of business.”Ellie grinned.“You’re hired.”***Nervous, but confident in what he was doing at the same time, Jacob grabbed Ellie’s gift and headed out the door to her grand opening.When he pulled up to the store and saw the customers with their children lined up at the door, a sense of pride washed over him.He’d done everything Ellie had envisioned.But finishing the job was bittersweet.He only had to convince her to go on one date with him.The rest would be a piece of cake.People piled into Oliver’s Toys & Treats.Jacob stood back until the last customers had wedged their way into Ellie’s shop.Curious, he watched through the window as children dragged their parents from toy to toy, then their eyes would light up when they saw all the colorful candies on display.Ellie’s vision was a success.The smile on Ellie’s face was one he’d never seen.She really was in her element.She didn’t even reach up to twirl her earring once.Ellie bent down to the children’s level and looked them right in the eye when she asked them what kind of candy they wanted to sample.When a little girl tugged on Ellie’s shirt and pointed at a doll all the way on the top shelf, even when there were dozens of dolls exactly the same right below it, Ellie just smiled, nodded and got a ladder to get the precise doll the little girl had pointed at.His heart warmed.Ellie Oliver was just as sweet as her candy.***It was hard not to notice Jacob ease into the crowded shop with his hands behind his back.He walked around as if trying to decide what to purchase when Ellie knew he was really here to see her.The grand opening was a huge success.Giddy about all the customers and the children’s reactions when they walked in, Ellie tried to ignore Jacob standing in the corner.As she scooped jelly beans, gum drops and gum balls, she could feel his eyes on her from across the store.When she caught a break, he strolled over.“Congratulations.” He pulled out the gift bag he’d been hiding behind his back.“This is for you.”Ellie looked at Jacob and then at the pink bag he was holding out to her.“Thanks.I’ll open it later.”“Can I come by when you close? I’d like to buy you a cup of coffee at Ginger Snaps.”Ellie shrugged.“Okay, I guess [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
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