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.The only way McCarthy could win is if the crazies and young radicals act up andmake Gene look more reasonable.They offered to finance our demonstrations inChicago.We were also offered Esso (Rockefeller) money.They want us to make a lot ofradical commotion so they can look more in the center as they move to the left."THAT IS THE STRATEGY.THE LANDSCAPE PAINTERS FOCUS YOURATTENTION ON THE KIDS IN THE STREET WHILE THE REAL DANGER ISFROM ABOVE.As Frank Capell recently observed in The Review Of The News:"Of course, we know that these radical students are not going to take over thegovernment.What they are going to do is provide the excuse for the government totake over the people, by passing more and more repressive laws to 'keep things undercontrol.'"The radicals make a commotion in the streets while the Limousine Liberals at the topin New York and Washington are Socializing us.WE ARE GOING TO HAVE ADICTATORSHIP OF THE ELITE DISGUISED AS A DICTATORSHIP OF THEPROLETARIAT.Now the Insiders of the Establishment are moving into a more sophisticated methodof applying pressure from below.John Gardner, a "Republican" and member of the C.F.R., has established a grass roots proletarian organization called Common Cause.This may become the biggest and most important organization in American history.Common Cause's goal is to organize welfare recipients, those who have not votedbefore, and Liberals to lobby for Socialism.That lobbying will not only be expressedin pressuring Congress to pass Socialist legislation but will also be expressed as ballot power in elections.Common Cause is supposedly the epitome of anti-Establishmentarianism, but who is paying the bills? The elite Insider radicals fromabove.The number one bankroller of this group to overthrow the super-rich and re-distribute their wealth among the poor is John D.Rockefeller III.Other key financiers are Andrew Heiskell (CFR), chairman of the board of Time, Inc., Thomas Watson(CFR), chairman of the board of IBM, John Whitney (CFR) of the Standard Oilfortune, Sol Linowitz (CFR), chairman of the board of Xerox, and Gardner Cowles(CFR) of Cowles publications.In any organization, the man who pays the bills is theboss.The others are his employees.What better proof could we have that Socialism is not a movement of downtroddenmasses but of power hungry elitists? The poor are merely pawns in the game.Needless to say, the landscape painters hide Common Cause's financial angels so thatonly those who understand that the Establishment's game plan is SOCIALISMunderstand what is going on before their very eyes.8 - You Are The AnswerMany people cannot refrain from rationalizing.After reading this book, some willbemoan the fact that the situation is hopeless.These will be many of the same peoplewho, before reading this book, really did not believe the problems facing us wereserious.Some people wake up and give up in the same week.This is, of course, justexactly what the Insiders want you to do.The conspiracy can be defeated.The Insiders are not omnipotent.It is true that theycontrol important parts of the federal government, high finance and the mass media.But they do not control everything, or the vise would already have been closed.Wemight say the conspiracy controls everything but you.You are their Achilles heel ifyou are willing to fight.There is an old cliche in sports that quitters never win andwinners never quit.We need a million Americans who are not quitters, but,"moreover, who have the will to win!Of course, you can't buck the conspiracy head on.trying to fight it on its homegrounds.But the Insiders are vulnerable to an end run.You, and thousands of otherslike you can make an end run if you want to.It is our intention in this closing chapter to show why it can be done and how you can do it.The timing for an end run has never been better.What Barry Goldwater said in 1964,people were willing to believe in 1968 [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
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