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.""Ouch." Rachel looked at her and took her hand."But he okay, right?"is"Right as rain," the doctor replied."I've never lost a patient.I knew adoctor once who did.She was.really brilliant but she'd never evenconsider a procedure after that.It took it right out of her.Ireally didn't want to lose Herzer.He's a very fine young man.Verydetermined.I think his illness was strengthening for him.""I'm glad he's okay," Rachel said."I'm sorry about what I said.And.uh.speaking of procedures."Daneh narrowed her eyes and sighed."What is it this time?""Well, you know that Marguerite's birthday party is coming up, right?""I'm not going to let you have a body-sculpt, Rachel," Daneh said lifting herchin and t'tching in negation."We've been over this before.""But Mommm!" the teenager whined."My body is disgusting.I'm too fat.My boobs are huge and my butt is the size of Mount Evert! Pleeease!?""You're not too fat," the doctor said definitively."Your body mass index issquare in the center ofthe charts; your nannites wouldn't let it be anywhere else.And this.boyish look that is the current fad is not healthy, even for females who havebeen body sculpted.You can only pare away so far then you're into reserves.Your friend Marguerite is probably below seven percent body fat.That's nothealthy.Barely so for a male and not for an unChanged female.And I'm notgoing to let you tinker with your DNA.""I know, Mom," Rachel said with an exasperated sigh."But.I just looklike a cow.I'm sorry, but that's how I feel.""Okay, just this once," Daneh sighed."And only for the party and only a bit.Stand up."Rachel bounced off the bed and held out the hologram projector, a thumb-sizedcube of crystal."Iwas looking at some styles.Can I have Varian Vixen?"Daneh flipped up the style and shook her head."Way too overboard," shereplied."I'll do a sculpt on abs, butt and boobs.That's it.You go with thesame face.You already have authority to do your hair.""Okay, Mother," Rachel replied with a sigh.Page 27 ABC Amber Palm Converter, http://www.processtext.com/abcpalm.htmlDaneh considered her daughter's body for a moment.In previous societies itwould have been considered very near perfection.Like her mother, Rachel hadhigh, firm breasts that were the size of a doubled fist, and rounded, muscularbuttocks.Her stomach was as flat as a board and her hips jutted out from athin waist in an almost perfect hourglass shape.The genetic design was alucky favor more than anything; Daneh and Edmund had chosen to accept"natural" reproduction, in that a group ofEdmund's sperm fertilized a randomly chosen egg from Daneh and the result waspopped in a uterine replicator without any tinkering (although the result wasclosely checked for genetic faults).The current fad in body design, for humanoform females, was towards aflat-breasted, hipless, buttock-less shape that looked like an anorexic maleor a dying lizard.It was inherently unhealthy and there was no way that Danehwas going to let Rachel look like that, and maintaining it required geneticmods that she especially was not going to permit.Admittedly, in two yearsRachel would turn eighteen and be able to make whatever mistakes she wanted.But until then, a modicum of management seemed in order.After a moment's thought Daneh brought up a body-mod program and with a seriesof hand gestures sculpted the breasts and buttocks down and, as a benefit,pulled an almost unnoticeable amount of cellulite off the backs of herdaughter's legs.It was a buildup that was well within limits of the bodydesign, but she also could stand to lose it.Unlike the work on Herzer, all ofit was completed in one rush of nannites and energy fields that left Rachel,still standing, looking.much the same.Just.shaved in places.Rachel, however, was reasonably happy about the shaving."Thanks, Mom," she said, looking down, then summoning a projection so that shecould see the whole job."I don't suppose.""No, that's as much as I'll take off," Daneh said."And, since you're still ingrowth mode, most of it will come back over time.But that will get youthrough the party.""Thanks.""Hmmm.when this party?"is"On Saturday," she said in an absolutely neutral tone."You were supposed to be visiting your father on Saturday," Daneh said."I.called and told him I couldn't come.""In person? Avatar? Projection?" Daneh asked, icily."I.left a message with his butler-bot," the girl said, hanging her head."Rachel." her mother started to say then stopped."I know that dealingwith Edmund can be.hard.But he's your father and he loves you.And I know you don't hate him.Can't you give him some of your time?""Oh, mother he's an old stick!" the girl snapped [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
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