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.The sharp teeth grazed histhroat like two burning pokers."No, you don't," James said.He looped an arm around Poppy's waist, liftingher off Phil.Poppy gave a disappointed wail.As Phil struggled to his feet, she watched himthe way a cat watches an interesting insect.Never taking her eyes off him,not even when James spoke to her."That's your brother, Phil.Your twin brother.Remember?"Poppy just stared at Phil with hugely dilated pupils.Phil realized that shelooked not only pale and beautiful but dazed and starving."My brother? One of our kind?" Poppy said, sounding puzzled.Her nostrilsquivered and her lips parted."He doesn't smell like it.""No, he's,not one of our kind, but he's not for biting, either.You're goingto have to wait just a little while to feed." To Phillip, he said, "Let's getthis hole filled in, fast."Phillip couldn't move at first.Poppy was still watching him in that dreamybut intense way.She stood there in the darkness in her best white dress,supple as a lily, with her hair falling around her face.And she looked at himwith the eyes of a jaguar.She wasn't human anymore.She was something other.She'd said it herself, sheand James were of one kind and Phil was something different.She belonged tothe Night World now.Oh, God, maybe we should just have let her die, Phil thought, and picked up ashovel with loose and trembling hands.James had already gotten the lid backon the vault.Phil shoveled dirt on it without looking at where it landed.Hishead wobbled as if his neck were a pipe cleaner."Don't be an idiot," a voice said, and hard fingers closed on Phil's wristbriefly.Through a blur, Phil saw James."She's not better off dead.She's just confused right now.This is temporary,all right?"The words were brusque, but Phil felt a tiny surge of comfort.Maybe James wasright.Life was good, in whatever form.And Poppy had chosen this.Still, she'd changed, and only time would tell how much.One thing-Phil had made the mistake of thinking that vampires were likehumans.He'd gotten so comfortable with James that he'd almost forgotten theirdifferences.He wouldn't make that mistake again.Poppy felt wonderful-in almost every way.She felt secret and strong.She felt poetic and full of possibility.She feltas if she'd sloughed off her old body like a snake shedding its skin, toreveal a fresh new body underneath.And she knew, without being quite sure how she knew, that she didn't havecancer.It was gone, the terrible thing that had been running wild inside her.Her newbody had killed it and absorbed it somehow.Or maybe it was just that everycell that made up Poppy North, every molecule, had changed.However It was, she felt vibrant and healthy.Not just better than she hadbefore she'd gotten the cancer, but better than she could remember feeling inher life.She was strangely aware of her own body, and her muscles and jointsall seemed to be working in a way that was sweet and almost magical.The only problem was that she was hungry.It was taking all her willpower notto pounce on the blond guy in the hole.Phillip.Her brother.She knew he was her brother, but he was also human and she could sense therich stuff, lush with life, that was coursing through his veins.Theelectrifying fluid she needed to survive.Page 56 ABC Amber Palm Converter, http://www.processtext.com/abcpalm.htmlSo jump him, part of her mind whispered.Poppy frowned and tried to wiggleaway from the thought.She felt something in her mouth nudging her lower lip,and she poked her thumb at it instinctively.It was a tooth.A delicate curving tooth.Both her canine teeth were long andpointed and very sensitive.How weird.She rubbed at the new teeth gently, then cautiously explored themwith her tongue.She pressed them against her lip.After a moment they shrank to normal size.If she thought about humans full ofblood like berries, they grew again.Hey, look what I can dotBut she didn't bother the two grimy boys who were filling in the hole.Sheglanced around and tried to distract herself instead.Strange-it didn't really seem to be either day or night.-Maybe there was aneclipse.It was too dim to be daytime, but far too bright for nighttime.Shecould see the leaves on the maple trees and the gray Spanish moss hanging fromthe oak trees.Tiny mothswere fluttering around the moss, and she could see their pale wings.When she looked at the sky, she got a shock.There was something floatingthere, a giant round thing that blazed with silvery light.Poppy thought ofspaceships, of alien worlds, before she realized the truth.It was the moon.Just an ordinary full moon.And the reason it looked so bigand throbbing with light was that she had night vision.That was why she couldsee the moths, too.All her senses were keen.Delicious smells wafted by her, the smells of smallburrowing animals and fluttering dainty birds.On the wind came a tantalizinghint of rabbit.And she could hear things.Once she whipped her head around as a dog barkedright beside her.Then she realized that it was far away, outside thecemetery.It only sounded close.I'll bet I can run fast, too, she thought.Her legs felt tingly.She wanted togo running out into the lovely, gloriously-scented night, to be one with it.She was part of it now.James, she said.And the strange thing was that she said it without saying itout loud.It was something she knew how to do without thinking.James looked up from his shoveling.Hang on, he said the same way.We'realmost done, kiddo.Then you'll teach me to hunt?He nodded, just slightly.His hair was falling over his forehead and he lookedadorably grubby.Poppy felt as if she'd never really seen him before-becausenow she was seeing him with new senses.James wasn't just silky brown hair andenigmatic gray eyes and a lithe-muscled body.He was the smell of winter rainand the sound of his predator's heartbeat and the silvery aura of power shecould feel around him.She could sense his mind, lean and tiger-tough butsomehow gentle and almost wistful at the same time.We're hunting partners now, she told him eagerly, and he smiled anacknowledgment.But underneath she felt that he was worried.He was either sador anxious about something, something he was keeping from her.She couldn't think about it.She didn't feel hungry anymore.she feltstrange [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
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