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.com/abclit.htmlpath was visible far below and through the tree branches beyond it some of the brightly coloredflowerbeds of the parterres. Catch your breath for a moment, he said.He wished they were back in London.He wished he had his own bachelor rooms to return to and hisclubs to attend and his friends to spend his days and nights with.And Lauren to tease.It had been amistake to come home, to believe that it would be possible to do if he brought a wife, or even atemporary betrothed, with him to somehow insulate himself from all that had set him adrift from his familyand his boyhood self three years ago.Jerome was dead and could never be brought back.And Syd. Why were your brother and Lady Freyja still not married after a whole year of being betrothed?Lauren asked.At first he had assumed that theyhadmarried, that Freyja was Jerome s widow.It was only after he wasback in England and had sold out that he learned the truth.He had been puzzled and deeply shocked. I have no idea. He shrugged. A banished son is not fed a great deal of family information, you know.They resumed their climb.Lauren s breathing was labored and her cheeks flushed.Her thin slippersmust find the going rough underfoot.But she uttered no word of complaint.She was quiet dignitypersonified, he thought, and felt an unexpected wave of affection for her.He chuckled aloud at thememory of the wonderful setdowns she had dealt first Ralf and then Freyja.He had been very muchafraid that like a lion with a mouse they would be able to devour her whole and spit out the remains.But strength did not always show itself in boldness and physical action alone, he was discovering. What is funny? she asked. Nothing isfunny, he replied. Just joyful.It is July and a hot, sunny day.We are in a country thatenjoys peace within its borders.We are young and in good health and surrounded by the beauties ofnature. His mood swung from depression to exuberance, and he tugged at her hand. I want to showyou something. That tower? she asked breathlessly, glancing upward. I suppose it has one of those steep, windingstone staircases leading to the top, does it? And you are going to insist that I climb it.I would reallyrather not.Going up is always relatively easy.Coming down is sheer terror. Not the tower. He pointed. The best view to be had is not from the top of the tower, you see.She stopped and looked, still laboring for breath. Oh, no, she said firmly. No, Kit.I have never in mylife climbed a tree.It looked dangerous when Gwen and Neville used to do it, and it looks dangerousnow.Besides, it would be a childish thing to do.We are quite high enough for a view, thank you verymuch.I can see the roof of the house quite clearly from where we stand.I am not I am absolutely,definitelynotclimbing that tree.It took all of ten minutes to reach the branch he had in mind.It was not as high up the ancient oak tree ashe had often climbed as a boy, but it was definitely higher than the tower, and it was a broad, sturdy limb.It was easily reached by numerous perfectly safe foot- and handholds.But each move, particularly the Generated by ABC Amber LIT Converter, http://www.processtext.com/abclit.htmlfirst one that took them off the ground, had to be coaxed out of Lauren.He went up behind her, one armlinked about her waist, but she would not allow him literally to carry her up. I will do it myself, thank you, she told him curtly the only time he tightened his hold and would havehoisted her upward when she seemed to be paralyzed with indecision. This isnotwhat I meant atVauxhall, Kit.There is nothing remotely enjoyable about this. But itismemorable, you must admit, he said into her ear with a chuckle. Swimming in your shift andclimbing trees all on the same day.You are in sore danger of becoming a notorious hoyden.The branch was as broad as many of the trunks of lesser trees. You could not fall off if you tried, he said not quite truthfully as he sat down on it, settled his backagainst the trunk, and drew her down to sit between his spread legs, her back against his chest, his armsprotectively about her waist. I do not intend to try, she assured him. Kit, how are we ever going to get down?He could feel her heart thumping against his hand.She was overwarm and panting from the climb andfrom fear too, he guessed.He noticed that her gaze did not move downward by even a single degree.She pressed her head back hard against his shoulder her bonnet had been abandoned at the foot of thetree. Trust me, he said against her ear. Trust the man famous or infamous for all sorts of reckless and foolish exploits? she said, closing hereyes. Trust the officer mentioned in several official military dispatches as a particularly daring spy? But I came back from every mission in one piece, he said.Her heartbeat was beginning to slow to normal [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
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