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.It’ll take me a little while to sew a blanket, sowe’ll have time to get used to the new socializing thing and get settledhere.But I want you to know the eventual goal.”Everything inside Yanai softened.“Very well, pet.I will do so toplease you.” He was incredibly touched that Trev was making suchefforts to accommodate his culture as well.“Will you keep theapartment in the city, or may I revoke your lease?”54Jana Downs“We could keep it for when we go into the city.There is so muchto do there and so many people to meet.It would be nice not to haveto stay in an inn or whatever the Eoean equivalent is, right?”“You would wish me to go with you even if I could not leave thedwelling?” Yanai asked.Trev nodded.“Yes.It’s a pretty long journey.I wouldn’t want tomake that whole trip in one day.We could spend the night there.Plusit can be a vacation spot for the two of us.Unless it’s too expensive,then that’s fine.”“Money is not an issue,” Yanai assured.His parents had been verygenerous to him, and his own investments from his work made itpossible for him to quit work all together for the next fifty years if hewished to without consequence.“If it pleases you to keep theapartment, I will allow it.”“Thanks, Yanai.”“You are welcome, pet.” This conversation was going far betterthan he had expected it to.“You know, to accept my bite, you mustname me as well.” The last gray man knelt at his feet, sucking on thewound as it gave up its last required sacrifice.“I know,” Trev said, rubbing his arm in a nervous gesture thatYanai had learned to interpret as a sign of his discomfort.“I’ve beentrying to think of one.But none of them seem right.You just seemlike Yanai to me.It’s a beautiful name.Why change it?”“If you do not wish to rename me, than Yanai I will be forever.”“Yanai?”“Yes?”“Can you explain to me why Tannara rename one another? I wascurious about that, but the tutor didn’t go into much detail.”Yanai took the cup of juice that one of his gray men had gone tofetch him during their conversation and took a grateful sip.He wasalways a bit dizzy when they finished.“It is a special name only ourbeloveds are allowed to use.It denotes a name of honor.”Bound by Desire55“Hmm, then I guess I’ll have to come up with something good,”Trev said.Yanai shrugged.“I will not be upset if you do not.Yanai hassuited me well for many cycles, and I have no complaints about itscontinued use.”“No.I’ll definitely come up with something spectacular.I’ll haveto get back to you on what it is exactly.”He chuckled.“Very well, pet.” He couldn’t help the yawn thatcracked his jaw.Trev considered him.“When was the last time you slept?”“I have been…distressed of late.Sleep hasn’t come easily.”Trev huffed before dragging him further up onto the bed.“Comeon.You need to sleep, and I need to cuddle.”Pleasure blossomed at the concern in his human’s voice.“Verywell.”“Hey, guys, can you occupy our guests?” Trev asked the gray menas he stripped off his robe, heedless of his nudity.“Lock our door sothey can wander around.”Our guests.Our door.The possessive pronoun thrilled him.“Lord?”“It’s fine.Just do as he says.”They bowed.“Very well, lord.”56Jana DownsChapter FiveHe woke up in Yanai’s arms, the lovely caramel and candy smelllingering in his nostrils from his sweat.The great purple alien waswrapped around him like an octopus, his arm and leg curling aroundhis body as Trev snuggled into his chest.He pressed a kiss therebefore resting his ear over the male’s heart to listen to his heartbeat.Their conversation from the night before had gone much betterthan expected, even with the hiccup of there being another human inthe house.It was odd.Trev hadn’t used to be so hostile to otherpeople, but it seemed that Yanai’s isolation and the idea that the housewas a sanctuary not to be violated by outsiders had rubbed offsomewhat.When he’d seen Eric, all he had thought was that hewasn’t supposed to be here and that this was his and Yanai’s house [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
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