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.We should just leave.How could this ever have sounded like agood idea?To be truthful, it never had.It had always sounded like a bag ofscorpions.They were chasing after a phantom, a new designer drug withstreet names like Pixie Dust, Mojo, Liquidlust, Blissfire, and Desire.They'd first heard about Pixie Dust in raves around Baltimore, elusiveas an urban legend.The supply was so erratic and the demand was sohigh and still growing quickly that they'd never even seen a sampleof the drug.No one knew where Pixie Dust was coming from.AsAtticus and Ru set up deals for old favorites inside the Beltway, otherstracked the new drug to Upstate New York.Outside of Buffalo, thingshad gone horribly wrong.Atticus had worked with Boyes, Scroggins, and German.Despitewhat Sumpter might think, the men had given new meaning to theword "paranoid;" it was unlikely that they would have been careless.aaTTnnssFFffooDDrrPPmmYYeeYYrrBB22.BBAAClick here to buyClick here to buywwmmwwoowwcc.AAYYBBYYBB r rWhoever ambushed them had done a ruthlessly thorough job, killingeveryone at the warehouse, buyer and seller alike, and smashing allthe security equipment.He and Ru had driven up to Buffalo to identify the bodies.EarlySunday morning, he'd slipped under the police tape and searched thewarehouse with his inhumanly sharp senses, but there had been littleto find.Scroggins and German had emptied their guns both carried aSIG Sauer P229 in forty-caliber Smith & Wesson but not into thedead drug dealers, who had been killed with shotguns.The lack ofbullet holes in the back wall indicated that they'd hit someone onlyall the blood splatters matched up with accounted-for dead bodies.Also there'd been a mysterious swath of clean floor, as if somethinghad been dragged across it.During the long drive from Buffalo toCape Cod, he'd reviewed his perfect memory, recalling every inch ofthe floor and walls in minute detail, and found nothing he'doverlooked.Both sides had reasons to keep the meeting secret, so whowould have ambushed the buy and walked away unscathed? Atticuswould have suspected the man who had acted as the go-between JayLasker but he had dropped dead suddenly after setting up a secondmeeting.With Lasker had gone all the details about the Pixie Dust andthe people selling it.So here Atticus and his team were: at a dead man's house,meeting with people who had no names, seeking a drug they'd neveraaTTnnssFFffooDDrrPPmmYYeeYYrrBB22.BBAAClick here to buyClick here to buywwmmwwoowwcc.AAYYBBYYBB r rseen.Unfamiliar with the area, they didn't know the secret ways, theancient history, and things long ago buried but not forgotten.Andnow his brother was thrown into the mix.One thing was clear: If things went badly, there wouldn't be anyplace to run to, no one to turn to, no place to hide.***When he got back to the house, Ru was up.Still damp from hisshower, he padded around the kitchen, trying to figure out what tocook for breakfast with the power out."I'm going to wake up Ukiah," Atticus told him."That way wecan feed him and put him back to bed, out of the way for most of theday.""Sounds like a plan."***Atticus unlocked the door to the basement bedroom and openedit, half expecting to find either an empty room or a snarling, angrystranger.Ukiah, though, still lay in the bed as they had left him,apparently so deeply asleep he'd not moved all night.In sleep, hisbrother was just a young man, badly battered but healing.He should wake the boy, and yet he stood at the door, watchingUkiah.All the possibilities of the world existed in his sleepingbrother.A family.A friend.A belonging complete beyond any he hadever hoped for.A bitter enemy.A cold mirror reflecting back howinhuman he truly was.Once he was awake, time would flow, a singleaaTTnnssFFffooDDrrPPmmYYeeYYrrBB22.BBAAClick here to buyClick here to buywwmmwwoowwcc.AAYYBBYYBB r rpath taken, a course he probably couldn't control [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
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