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.Understood?His eyes travelled to my hand. You ll wear those when you work out?I shook my head, unable to suppress my amusement at his insecurity.Ryker was the mostconfident, secure guy I knew, and the fact he was acting this way seemed ridiculous to me. I can t. Iheld up my hand. The weight bar will bend the band. Wear gloves, he muttered. I do, but I m not going to risk it. I leaned over the breakfast bar, pursing my lips for a kiss. I.Love.You.He captured my face in his hands, kissing me thoroughly. You re going to be the death of me,woman.You do know that, don t you?I giggled. Just trying to keep you on your toes, sexy. At least he wasn t taking me for grantedanymore. Chapter SixteenRykerI sneaked out on my lunch hour to visit my mother-in-law.I hadn t seen Mary since before the split,but I had something important to discuss with her and it couldn t wait.Mary met me at the door of the tidy Tudor-style home where she and her husband had raisedtheir two daughters.Mac s sister had moved to Oklahoma when her husband got a teaching positon ata college out there.I knew Mary and Mac missed her, but they all kept in touch through regular callsand emails. I was so happy when you called, Mary said, pulling me into a hug. It s been too long.I vemissed you, Ryker. I ve missed you too, Mary.Ever since my mama died, Mary had been there for me, anything I needed, which was why I feltguilty for not reaching out to her after Mac and I split.She deserved better than that. I m sorry it s been so long.She linked her arm through mine as she led me into the kitchen. I understand, honey.Thesethings are never easy.Tell me, how ve you been holding up? I feel like things are finally getting back on track.She pulled out a chair, a smile brightening her softly lined face.That was Mary.Always a readysmile for a friend or a stranger, it didn t matter. I m glad to hear it.Sit down and tell me all about itwhile I make the coffee.When you called to tell me you d be stopping by, I thought I d make us somesandwiches.Hope that s okay? That d be great.Thanks.Of course sandwiches in Mary s house didn t consist of the cold meat variety.Like her daughter,she loved to cook and bake, so these sandwiches consisted of homemade bread, grilled meat andvegetables, and two kinds of cheese with homemade condiments.I was salivating just looking atthem. God, that looks good. I kissed her hand when she set it down in front of me. You re an angel.Bachin it consists of way too much takeout.I hate it. Is that the only thing you hate about it? she asked, taking her steel-framed glasses off andletting them hang from the chain around her neck. I hate everything about it.She set paper napkins and two bottles of water on the table, bringing her own plate to the tablewhile the coffee brewed. Then why haven t you done something about it? The Ryker I know doesn tsit back and wait for things to happen.He makes them happen.  I was trying to give her time and space, Mar.I thought that s what she wanted.She shook her head so vehemently it made her soft gray curls bounce. You should know betterthan that.A woman wants to feel wanted, needed.You give her too much time and space, and she llthink you don t need her anymore. Trust me, that couldn t be further from the truth. I took a bite of my sandwich, thinking aboutMary s advice.She was right.I shouldn t have waited so long to let Mac know how much I wantedher back. But you said things are back on track? Does that mean you and my daughter have finally cometo your senses?I knew Mac talked to her mother every day.If she hadn t told her we d been seeing each other,maybe it wasn t my place to tell her. Uh, Mac hasn t said anything to you about us?She laughed before winking at me. Of course she has.I just wanted to hear what you had to sayabout it.I smiled, thinking I shouldn t be surprised she was baiting me.Mary had spent half her lifeworking in the public school system, where she had to be one step ahead of teenagers who thoughtthey knew it all. I love Mac, more now than ever.Mary smiled, her satisfaction evident. And I trust you ve told her this? Yeah, I tell her all the time how much I love her.She took a small bite before wiping her mouth with a paper napkin. Then maybe the moreimportant question is what have you done to show her? A woman needs to feel it as much as sheneeds to hear it, Ryker.People may not have pegged my Bill for a romantic, but they d have beenwrong.He was the kind of man who bought me flowers for no reason and didn t wait for ananniversary to give me a beautiful card telling me how much he loved me.She s right.I never would have guessed that about Bill.He was gruff cop, who seemed jaded attimes. Really? That doesn t sound like Bill. He was a softie with me and the kids.Everyone else saw a different side of him. She pattedmy hand. Kind of like you, honey.I know you re different with your boys and Mac than you are withthe rest of the world, right? Well yeah, but&  I thought about the things I d never done: flowers or cards for no reason,hand-picked gifts for birthdays, handwritten letters, sweet or sexy texts to brighten her day.God, I hada lot to learn about being an attentive husband.Too bad Bill wasn t around anymore to teach me whatI clearly needed to know. But what? Mary asked, between bites. The things you said about Bill&  It was difficult to admit I d failed Mac, but I clearly had [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
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