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."Saltus said: "Tough luck, civilian.I was almost ready to volunteer._Almost_, I said.I _think_ I'dlike to stand on the city wall at Larsa with you and watch the Euphrates flood; I _think_ I'd like-- What?""The city wall at Ur, not Larsa.""Well, wherever it was.A flood, anyway, and you said it got into the Bible.You have a smoothline, you _could_ persuade me to go along." An empty gesture."But I guess that's all washed outnow--you'll never go back.""I don't believe the White House would authorize a probe back that far," Chaney answered."Theywould see no political advantage to it, no profit to themselves."Major Moresby said sharply: "Chaney, you.sound like a fool!""Perhaps.But if we _could_ probe backward I'd be willing to lay you money on certain politicaltargets, but nothing at all on others.What would the map of Europe be like if Attila had been strangled inhis crib?""Chaney, after all!"He persisted."What would the map of Europe be like if Lenin had been executed for theanti-Czarist plot, instead of his older brother? What would the map of the United States be like if Georgethe Third had been cured of his dementia? If Robert E.Lee had died in infancy?""Civilian, they sure as hell won't let you go back _anywhere_ with notions like that."Dryly: "I wouldn't expect a bonus for them.""Well, I guess not!"Kathryn van Hise stepped into the breach."Please, gentlemen.Appointments have been made for your final physical examinations.I will callthe doctor and inform him you are coming now.Chaney grinned and snapped his fingers."_Now_." She turned."Mr.Chaney, if you will stay behind for a moment I would like more information onyour field data."Saltus was quickly curious."Hey--what's this?" She paged through the pile of mimeographedpapers until she found the transcript of Chaney's tape recording."Some parts of this report need furtherevaluation.If you care to dictate, Mr.Chaney, I will take it in shorthand."He said: "Anything you need.""Thank you." A half turn to the others at the table."The doctor will be waiting, gentlemen."Moresby and Saltus pushed back their chairs.Saltus shot Chaney a warning glance, reminding himof a promise.The reminder was answered with a confirming nod.The men left the briefing room.Brian Chaney looked across the table at Katrina in the silence they left behind.She waited quietly,her fingers laced together on the table top.He remembered her bare feet in the sand, the snug delta pants, the see-through blquse, the bookshe carried in her hand and the disapproving expression she wore on her face.He remembered thestartlingly brief swim suit worn in the pool, and the way Arthur Saltus had monopolized her."That was rather transparent, Katrina."She studied him longer, not yet ready to speak.He waited for her to offer the next word, holdingin his mind the image of that first glimpse of her on the beach.At length: "What happened up there, Brian?"He blinked at the use of his given name.It was the first time she had used it."Many, many things--I think we covered it all in our reports."Again: "What happened up there, Brian?"He shook his head."Seabrooke will have to be satisfied with the reports.""This is not Mr.Seabrooke's matter."Warily: "I don't know what else I can tell you.""Something happened up there.I am aware of a departure from the norm that prevailed before thetrials, and I think you are too.Something has created a disparity, a subtle disharmony which is ratherdifficult to define.""The Chicago wall, I suppose.And the JCS revolt." "They were shocks to us all, but what else?"Chaney gestured, searching for an escape route."I found the barracks closed, locked.I think theMajor and myself have left the station.""But not Commander Saltusr"He may be gone--I don't know.""You don't seem very sure of that.""I'm not sure of anything.We were forbidden to open doors, look at people, ask questions.Ididn't open doors.I know only that our barracks have been closed-- and I don't think Seabrooke let usmove in with him.""What would you have done if it was permissible to open doors?"Chaney grinned."I'd go looking for you.""You believe I was on the station?""Certainly! You wrote notes to each of us--you left final instructions for us in the room downstairs.I knew your handwriting."Hesitation."Did you find similar evidence of anyone else being on station?"Carefully: "No.Your note was the only scrap.""Why has the Commander's attitude changed?"Chaney stared at her, almost trapped."Has it?""I think you are aware of the difference.""Maybe.Everybody looks at me in a new light.I'm feeling paranoiac these days.""Why has your attitude changed?""Oh? Mine too?""You are fencing with me, Brian.""I've told you everything I _can_ tell you, Katrina."Her laced fingers moved restlessly on the tabletop."I sense certain mental reservations.""Sharp girl.""Was there some--some personal tragedy up there? Involving any one of you?" Promptly: "No." He smiled at the woman across the table to rob his next words of any sting."And,Katrina-- if you are wise, if you are very wise, you won't ask any more questions.I hold certain mentalreservations; I _will_ evade certain questions.Why not stop now?"She looked at him, frustrated and baffled.He said: "When this survey is completed I want to leave.I'll do whatever is necessary to completethe work when we return from the probe, but then I'm finished.I'd like to go back to Indic, if that'spossible; I'd like to work on the new paradox study, if that's permissible, but I don't want to stay here.I'm finished here, Katrina."Quickly: "Is it because of something you found up there? Has something turned you away, Brian?""Ah-- No more questions.""But you leave me so unsatisfied!"Chaney stood up and fitted the empty chair to the table."Every thing comes to every man, if he buthas the years.That sounds like Talleyrand, but I'm not sure.You have the years, Katrina.Live throughjust two more of them and you'll know the answers to all your questions.I wish you luck, and I'll think ofyou often in the tank--if they'll let me back in."A moment of silence, and then: "Please don't forget your doctor's appointment, Mr.Chaney.""I'm on my way.""Ask the others to be here at ten o'clock in the morning for a final briefing.We must evaluate thesereports [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
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