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.That desire had been a white-hot flame that flared sobrightly it had kept him going, almost without having to think.Now hewas, and none of the things he was thinking about were pleasant.Like the realization that the agency he worked for was ready to betrayhim.To sic the dogs on him.Despite what he had done for them throughthe years, they were playing with Hawk's life, because he had disobeyedan order.An order that hadn't made any sense in the first place, he thought,turning off the light when he reached the top of the staircase andplunging the house into darkness.All except for the faint glow comingfrom down the hall.From the bedroom Tyler Stewart had chosen.He needed to check on her before he crashed, he remembered.He hadpromised himself he would.She'd be asleep by now.He'd take one lastlook.Check for fever.Then he'd turn off the lamp beside her bed andleave her alone. ABC Amber Text Converter Trial version, http://www.processtext.com/abctxt.htmlOne last job to perform.Then he would relax his vigilance, shut offthe analytical mind, which insisted on going over and over the events ofthe last two days, and sleep.One final duty.her head was turned slightly to the side on the pillow.She was stillholding the elbow of the injured left arm protectively in the palm ofher other hand.And she was so beautiful.Nobody who had been through what she had the last two days should looklike this.That was exactly what he had been thinking in the car today.Her mouth should fall open as she slept, the muscles in her face lax andunattractive.There should even be the occasional soft snore.Atrickle of saliva.There damn well should be something that made her as human as the restof us, Hawk thought.And there wasn't.His lips tightened, rememberinghow she'd looked when he'd stolen those forbidden glances at thepassenger seat.Just like she did now.Like some damn sleeping beauty.Fairy-tale princess.A model, he thought in disbelief.Just my luck toget my ass caught in a crack with a woman like this.Except, surprisingly, he had found she had a brain.And guts.He wouldhave to give her that, he admitted.She might not have managed on herown to escape this morning, but she'd given them a run for their money.She hadn't rolled over and played dead.She hadn't done that at thehotel, either.And for somebody whose life was as far removed from allthis as hers must have been, that was something.Despite his tiredness.Hawk hesitated a few minutes longer, standingjust inside the door of the bedroom.The soft light from the lamphighlighted the high cheekbone turned toward him, emphasizing theintriguing hollow underneath.It exposed the shadows of exhaustionaround her eyes, her long lashes resting against them like a fan.The light also played over the delicate curve of her jaw.It gleamed inthe blue-black hair, which was spread like a skein of tangled silk overthe pillows.Even against their whiteness, her skin looked likealabaster.Almost translucent.He thought about closing the door and leaving.Safest thing, he toldhimself again, but he had come here to check on her.To make sure shewas all right.And it was all just a matter of discipline.Another job.One last duty before he could sleep, he reiterated.He crossed thethick carpet toward the bed, his footsteps soundless.The sleeper didn't stir.The fan of lashes didn't quiver, and herbreathing was deep and regular, moving the small, perfect breasts slowlyup and down under the fabric of her gown.When he reached the bed, Hawk stood for another moment looking down ather.From here, he could see again the subtle signs of maturity revealedin her face.The telltale effects of the years.She must be at leastin her late thirties, he thought, judging by those lines and creases.Not as young as he'd imagined in the beginning.He had thought she wasa girl when he'd first seen her.She wasn't, of course.She was awoman.The only problem was Hawk liked women.Preferred them, in fact. ABC Amber Text Converter Trial version, http://www.processtext.com/abctxt.htmlHe always had.Almost without thinking, he put the back of his bent fingers against hercheek.And was relieved to find the skin was cool.Incredibly smooth.Despite his touch, she didn't awaken.The capsules he'd given her haddone their job.Between their effects, her exhaustion and the injury,she was out like a light.Good for the duration.Hawk removed his fingers and stood beside the bed, his hands hangingloosely at his side.Controlled.Then, his eyes never leaving the faceof the woman, he bent forward and turned off the lamp on the table,plunging this room, too, into darkness.He took a step backward, awayfrom the bed.Away from the temptation she represented.But he didn't leave.After a few seconds, his eyes had adjusted to thelack of light in the room.The first thing they picked out of the gloomwas the pale perfection of her profile, framed by that black-as-midnighthair.Then the slender column of her throat [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
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