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.The sun made its way to the zenith, rested a period, then descended into the west.Cugel marched unmolested from sarsen to sarsen.On several occasions he notedpelgrane sliding across the sky, and each time flung himself flat to avoid attention.The Plain of Standing Stones ended at the brink of a scarp overlooking a wide valley.188aaTTnnssFFffooDDrrPPmmYYeeYYrrBB22.BBAAClick here to buyClick here to buywwmmwwoowwcc.AAYYBBYYBB r rWith safety close at hand Cugel relaxed his vigilance, only to be startled by a scream oftriumph from the sky.He darted a horrified glance over his shoulder, then plunged overthe edge of the scarp into a ravine, where he dodged among rocks and pressed himselfinto the shadows.Down swooped the pelgrane, past and beyond Cugel's hiding place.Warbling in joy, it alighted at the base of the scarp, to evoke instant outcries and cursesfrom a human throat.Keeping to concealment Cugel descended the slope, to discover that the pelgranenow pursued a portly black-haired man in a suit of black and white diaper.This personat last took nimble refuge behind a thick-boled olophar tree, and the pelgrane chasedhim first one way, then another, clashing its fangs and snatching with its clawed hands.For all his rotundity, the man showed remarkable deftness of foot and the pelgranebegan to scream in frustration.It halted to glare through the crotch of the tree and snapout with its long maw.On a whimsical impulse Cugel stole out upon a shelf of rock; then, selecting anappropriate moment, he jumped to land with both feet on the creature's head, forcingthe neck down into the crotch of the olophar tree.He called out to the startled man:"Quick! Fetch a stout cord! We will bind this winged horror in place!"The man in the black and white diaper cried out: "Why show mercy? It must bekilled and instantly! Move your foot, so that I may hack away its head.""Not so fast," said Cugel."For all its faults, it is a valuable specimen by which I hopeto profit.""Profit?" The idea had not occurred to the portly gentleman."I must assert my priorclaim! I was just about to stun the beast when you interfered."Cugel said: "In that case I will take my weight off the creature's neck and go my way."The man in the black-and-white suit made an irritable gesture."Certain persons willgo to any extreme merely to score a rhetorical point.Hold fast then! I have a suitablecord over yonder."The two men dropped a branch over the pelgrane's head and (bound it securely inplace.The portly gentleman, who had introduced himself as Iolo the Dream-taker,asked: "Exactly what value do you place upon this horrid creature, and why?"Cugel said: "It has come to my attention that Orbal, Duke of Ombalique, is anamateur of oddities.Surely he would pay well for such a monster, perhaps as much as ahundred terces.""Your theories are sound," Iolo admitted."Are you sure that the bonds are secure?"As Cugel tested the ropes he noticed an ornament consisting of a blue glass egg on agolden chain attached to the creature's crest.As he removed the object, Iolo's handdarted out, but Cugel shouldered him aside.He disengaged the amulet, but Iolo caughthold of the chain and the two glared eye to eye."Release your grip upon my property," said Cugel in an icy voice.Iolo protested vigorously."The object is mine since I saw it first."189aaTTnnssFFffooDDrrPPmmYYeeYYrrBB22.BBAAClick here to buyClick here to buywwmmwwoowwcc.AAYYBBYYBB r r"Nonsense! I took it from the crest and you tried to snatch it from my hand."Iolo stamped his foot."I will not be domineered!" He sought to wrest the blue eggfrom Cugel's grasp.Cugel lost his grip and the object was thrown against the hillsidewhere it broke in a bright blue explosion to create a hole into the hillside [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
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