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.“We never come here unless we’re at a Cubs game.”Ivy elbowed her.If Julianna was going to go to all this trouble to cheer her up, then Ivy would make darn sure to at least project the illusion it worked.That meant everyone had to be cheery.Even Daphne, who’d griped the entire train trip about the turnstile prematurely eating her metro pass.“Keep an open mind.You know Julianna devours restaurant reviews like you do seed catalogs.I’m sure she’s nosed out the newest, hottest spot in town.”“Her text did say she had something to show you,” said Milo.“I’m thinking wine bar.”“Across from Wrigley Field?” Daphne wrinkled her nose.“Fat chance.My guess is a gourmet burger bistro.I hope they have duck fat fries.”Ivy couldn’t think about food.She’d forced down a few slices of pizza last night, and a cup of yogurt this morning.But it was hard to eat with her stomach twisted in enough knots to tie up an ocean liner.Shining like a beacon, Julianna’s red hair bobbed ahead of them on the crowded sidewalk.She spotted them, waved, then frowned.“What are you doing here?” she called out as they approached.Odd.“Meeting you for drinks.Or burgers.Daphne’s convinced you’ve found us burgers.”“I only invited Ivy…” her voice trailed off.She shifted her weight from one foot to the other, then glanced sideways at the large tree next to her.Hmm.Julianna could be very proprietary at times.“Well, I asked the rest of the office to tag along.We’re celebrating.”“Maybe.”“Cryptic much?” said Milo.“Sorry.” She laughed.“Guess that’s my word of the week.As a matter of fact, I do know a great burger place around the corner.Ivy, meet us there when you’re done.And good luck.” She linked her arms through Daphne’s and Milo’s and rushed them across the street.“Why do I need luck?” Ivy shouted after her.“I think that was aimed at me.” Ben stepped out from behind the tree.Dressed in a pale blue shirt and cargo shorts, he looked perfectly normal.Except there was nothing normal about him being here, on Clark Street, instead of on a plane bound for another continent.His presence hit her on a physical level.All the air rushed out of her lungs, as swiftly as if he’d punched her.Gasping, she cradled an arm around her stomach.“What are you doing here?”He twisted his lips into a wry grin.“Kind of a long story.Would you prefer I start with I’m a jackass, or go straight to I’m sorry?”“The jackass part is self-evident.And I don’t believe you’re sorry about anything.You have to care to feel sorry.Goodbye, Ben.” She didn’t make it two steps before he snagged her arm.“Hear me out.Please.”So hard to think with the welcome pressure of his fingers back on her skin.“I heard more than enough from you the other night.In the middle of my parent’s anniversary party, in case it slipped your notice.”A nod.Then another.“Feel bad about that.It’s why I took your mom flowers today.”Although she honestly had no idea what he wanted to say to her, that wouldn’t have made it into her first hundred guesses.It definitely rooted her in place.“You visited my mother?”“You bet.Took her an armful of lilies, to make her office smell nice.I apologized.Then I apologized again.I think she finally forgave me somewhere around the fifth apology.I’d fallen into a good rhythm by then.”Shock didn’t begin to describe her reaction.What did it all mean? “I thought you didn’t do parents.”He shuddered from head to toe, swishing his golden hair against his collar.“I don’t.That is, I don’t do just anyone’s parents.Yours are special.Dropped in on your dad, too.”None of it made any sense.His words would make as much sense if he switched to speaking Swahili.Why break her heart, leave, but come back to make up with her parents? “You’ve been busy.” His thumb slowly stroked the back of her arm.Ivy tensed against the soft caress.“Well, I made the mess.Had to take the time to clean it up.David put me through the wringer.Took twice as long to come around as your mom did.His apology present stumped me for a while, but Julianna helped out there.Recommended a bottle of Laprohaig.Went over like gangbusters.”Maybe she was hallucinating.Lack of food and lack of sleep all caught up with her, and she was actually passed out on the floor of her office.It was the only rational explanation.Because in real life, Julianna would never help Ben do anything.“How does Julianna fit into this apology tour of yours?”“Another long story.Let’s just say she opened a door for me, then helped me walk through it [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
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