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.To my surprise, he smiled back at her.Any ideas on what I should do to get rid of them? I asked Ben.None, I'm afraid, he answered with a puzzled look on his face.Ghosts are out of my range ofexperience.Most likely the best thing to do is ask them."How does Fran release you?" he askedEirik.Eirik's nostrils flared as he looked Ben over from head to toe.Ben wasn't as big and bulky asEirik, but he wasn't a skinny little nothing, either.Beside me, all his muscles tensed like he wasgoing to fling himself forward."You are mated to the goddess?" the Viking asked."Yes," Ben said without even a second's delay."Whoa! We are not mated!" I said, giving him a glare."All I've done iskiss you!"Eirik's eyes lit up as he took a step forward."You are not mated to the Dark One? Good.I havealways desired to rut with a goddess.""Rut?"I asked, holding my ground even though Eirik took another step toward me, because Ididn't let anyone intimidate me.Ben's arm tightened around my waist."Swive," Eirik said, with a smile that made it pretty darn clear just what he was talking about."Oh, that mated! Silly me! Yes, yes we are.Ben and I, that is.We're so mated, like every night.Sometimes four or five times a night," I said, figuring more was better where that sort of thingwas concerned.Ben I knew I could trust—with Eirik I wasn't really so sure."I'm not mated to anyone," Imogen said, smiling again at the Viking behind Eirik."Imogen!"Ben growled."Behave yourself.They are ghosts.""Yes, but such cute ones.Are you corporeal?" She walked forward and put her hand out towardthe hottie Viking's chest.To my surprise, her hand didn't go whipping through him.Instead itstopped and rested on his bare chest.Imogen gave a little squeal of delight."You are!Howexciting!"Ben swore under his breath.I pinched his hand to remind him that Imogen was not going to behappy if he made a fuss about whom she dated."You didn't answer my question, Viking.Howdoes Fran release you?"Eirik looked at me."I will answer him because he is mated to you, but if you change your mindabout him at any time, I will be happy to—""Thanks," I said quickly, figuring we were all going to be happier if he didn't finish thatsentence."About the releasing thing?"He shrugged."You are agoddess, you must know best how to do that.""But I'm not a goddess," I protested."You bear the Vikingahärta , and you called us to rise.Only a goddess could do such a thing," heinsisted.Great.Now what do I do? I'm so not a goddess."You don't know how she can release you?" Ben asked as I gave a mental groan."No," Eirik answered, looking slightly bored."We are warriors, Vikings, children of the gods—not the gods themselves.Such things are no concern of ours."Clearly the answer lies in the pendant, Ben said.The blond man said earlier that it wasresponsible for raising the ghosts — perhaps if we knew more about it, we could discover how touse it to release the ghosts.Good idea.I'll ask Tibolt."What are your concerns?" Imogenasked, her voice silky as she stroked the Viking's chest."War!"Eirik shouted."Pillage!" another one answered."Women," the ghost Imogen was touching said in a near purr.They smiled again at each other."Oh, for Christ's sake—" Ben muttered to himself.Would you like me to touch your chest like that? I asked him, watching Imogen as she murmuredin the Viking's ear.He laughed and leaned down to whisper in her ear as well.Ben's eyes, normally a delicious brown with gold and black flecks in them, went the color ofhoney oak.Sweetheart, that would lead to us really being mated, which would mean we wereJoined.And I don't think you're ready for that yet.Gotcha.No chest touchies.A little sigh of unhappiness swept through him, but he cut it off before I could say anything."Let's go find this Tibolt.""OK," I said, turning toward the camp, but Ben didn't follow me like I expected.Instead he andEirikwere toe-to-toe."What now?""He was going with you," Ben growled, doing the macho bit I was starting to think he reallyloved.I sighed to myself.That was one of the things we had yet to work out, but I figured rightthen was not the time to do it."You guys don't want to stay here?" I asked Eirik, waving my hand to indicate the dig site."Yousaid this was your home, right?""Until you summoned us.Now we follow you," Eirik answered, and sure enough, they all got inline behind him, Imogen's Viking giving her a steamy look as he did so."You are not going to annoy Fran in any way," Ben said stubbornly, crossing his arms over hischest [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
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