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.As if sensing Damir s command, Balin pivoted left and out of the way.Damir released the arrowand watched it whistle through the air.The lunamant tip plunged into the forehead of the wolf. I m out, Damir announced.Zephyr reloaded Qualerin and Zwist with a nod and returned to firing.Damir dropped his emptyquiver to the ground and swung Drachenseele in his hand.He twisted the handle, and a soft glowemitted from the aether stones embedded in the arced blades of the weapon.A pool of energy wasreleased that snapped the cord that strung the bow and allowed the weapon to be twisted into a double-blade.Damir descended the ladder and rushed into the cockpit. Cessna, open the hatch! He ordered and ran out, hurtling through the hatch once the door slidopen.Damir looked back briefly to see the door close, then turned to the battle.The numbers were dwindling on both sides.Ramiro held up his weapon, but he was losing bloodfast.Israel fired off bolts and swung his staff hard, but his energy looked to be draining.Pyxis sshoulder was a bloody mess, the fur of his coat matted down.The sky captain took out one of the few lingering pack members.Balin jumped forward andattempted to drive Magiertøter into the alpha s side.The alpha sank his teeth into Balin s shoulder.Damir rushed forward.He spun as he ran, allowing the blade to glide through the air and sliceinto each wolf he came across.He moved on pure fear, his heart pumped by a dread-filled adrenaline.The double-ended blade twisted in his hand, alternating between a double grip and a single grip, eachone allowing Damir to cut down every wolf. Balin! Damir shouted.Balin swiped Magiertøter up in an arch, the lunamant blade gliding pastthe wolf s tender underbelly.A powerful paw slammed into Balin s side and sent him hurtling into the snow.He hit the groundwith a grunt and pushed himself up on unsteady arms.Around him the snow turned crimson.Damir let out a war cry and twisted his weapon in his grip, masterfully spinning it until he couldslice through the wolf with both blades in a full arc.The alpha hit the ground, a whine escaping itsthroat.He pushed himself up, his body covered in bleeding lacerations.The wolf didn t bow down,though.Damir drew in short gasps of air that came out in tiny clouds.His eyes locked onto the alpha s.Black met blue, two souls fierce and ready to defend.Damirtried to will the creature away, tried to urge him to go, much in the way he had garnered Chipo s trust.The alpha let out a low growl, blood and saliva dripping from its massive canines.Damir braced for impact.A hot beam shot through the air, slammed into the wolf, and burned through fur and skin.Therewas a cutoff yelp before the mighty Nilfheim wolf fell, half its body charred.Damir turned to Israel,who shook his head, then looked up to where Allen could be seen celebrating from one of Bahamut scannons.Damir gave him a thumbs-up and rushed to Balin s side. Are you okay?Balin nodded with a grunt. Flesh wound.Damir gave him a skeptical look but decided not to argue.It was nothing he couldn t heal.Israel collapsed Barat and rushed to Pyxis to help the crewman up.Elma sheathed her rapier andturned to Ramiro, who nursed his injured arm.  You& saved me. She cleared her throat. Thank you.Ramiro flashed her a rakish smile and attempted a bow without jostling his arm. Anything foryou, my princess.* * * *Zephyr fussed over Israel as he staggered into the med ward, minus his coat, and set Pyxis downon his workbench.Israel turned to the sky captain, pressed a kiss to his lips, and said,  I assure youI m all right.Now, unless you have an injury, leave.I need to tend to Pyxis and the others.Zephyr left with a pout, but only after he pressed a final kiss against Israel s lips.Zephyr walkedpast as Damir helped Balin sit.Ramiro stepped in, his face pale with blood loss and cold.Damir turned to Elma. Can you heal?She nodded.They each turned to their own patient and gathered energy.The room filled with a collective blueglow, blinding with the combined power.Balin shielded his eyes as Damir focused his energy onBalin s wounded shoulder.Damir s heart had felt like it would burst out of his chest when he d watched Balin go toe-to-toewith the mighty Nilfheim wolf.He could still feel the residual fear lingering over his flesh like a slugthat had crawled over him, a trail of slime dripping down his back.He concentrated on knitting theflesh back together.When the wound healed, he released his hold on the power.Balin tapped him under the chin witha crooked finger. Hey, look at me.Damir hesitantly looked up.Balin pressed a kiss against his mouth and murmured,  Everything isokay.Damir let out a restrained sigh that had been lingering in the back of his throat the moment hehad laid eyes on the hungry pack.He wrapped his arms tightly around Balin s waist and hugged him.If he wanted to save the world, he would have to come to terms with these feelings, but he wasn tprepared to face how grand they were.He wasn t prepared to find the courage to say good-bye to Balinif he ever had to.Balin tangled a hand in Damir s hair and cradled him close.Israel smiled knowingly, and whenhe finished on Pyxis, he ushered everyone out and closed the door behind him [ Pobierz caÅ‚ość w formacie PDF ]
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