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.Scrambling, we pushed away from him, rakingbloody furrows in his chest as we separated.He snarled then, in anger rather than pain, and lungedtoward us.We couldn t sidestep in time and his shoulder hit us squarely in our flank, momentarily knocking the windfrom our lungs.Our claws slipped against the smooth concrete floor as we scrambled.He wrapped hisarm around our neck and as he tightened his grip against our windpipe, we sank our teeth into hisshoulder.He cried out then, but he still had one arm free and his hold tightened.We couldn t breathethrough the crushing force against our throat and so we clamped down harder, our teeth tearing throughmuscle and grinding against bone.But it was a losing battle; as the oxygen in our blood dwindled,darkness seeped in the edges of our vision.Slowly, our grip on his shoulder loosened.Val, I thought andsuddenly our thrashing intensified as we fought for our life.But his hold was sure and the darknessbecame absolute.Val, I m so sorry.Please be okay.I love you.IA bright sharp crack and we were falling.We hit the floor in a crouch as air scorched through our lungs.It smelled like chalk and burning paper.Just a foot away, the Missionary lay twitching in a growing poolof blood.There was a gaping hole where his right eye used to be.Instinctively, we took a step towardthe body, drawn by the scent of the fresh kill.Starving, we tore into him, shredding the meat from his bones, savoring the warm rush of energy thatseeped into our muscles.And then, from the periphery, a sudden movement.Sound.We raised ourhead, crouching defensively over the remains of our prey.Valentine.She was leaning against the scaffolding, the smoking gun gripped loosely in her right hand.Icould hear the rattling of her breath whenever she inhaled, and wondered whether the Missionary hadPage 168 Generated by ABC Amber LIT Converter, http://www.processtext.com/abclit.htmlbroken something.Oh, Val.You need a doctor!But the panther snarled, taking one step forward.And then another.She could smell the blood thatdrenched Val s scalp, neck, shirt.This was easy prey irresistible.No!I shouted silently, willing her to stop in her tracks.Not her! But my pleas went unheard.She sankdown into a stalk, belly brushing the floor.A menacing growl.The unsheathing of teeth.So much hunger,still.She wanted to sate it.Valentine s face filled her vision.Even distorted through her strangelymonochromatic eyes, Val s expression was odd proud and loving, not taut with fear.Sensing thisstrangeness, the panther paused, ears pricking forward. Alexa, Val rasped. We did it.You did it.Without you, I d be dead.From the depths of the beast s chaotic brain, I asserted myself.Stop.Not prey.She is our mate.And then I let the memories flow from me, a river of sensations andimages trickling through the link between us.Waking up next to Val on a lazy Saturday reclining on myelbow as I watched the sun dapple her pale skin.Slipping my arms around her waist and inhaling hersweet scent as she stirred dinner on the stove.Arching under her passionate touch, succumbing to theecstasy wrought by her elegant fingers.She is our mate.We protect her.Forever.The panther blinked once, slowly& and then the tension began to flow from her muscles.I would havesighed in relief if I could have.She extended her massive paws in a long stretch, regarding Valentine with curiosity now, instead ofhunger.Val smiled.The movement must have hurt her bruised face, because she winced a little, too. Hi, shewhispered.The need to be back in my own body was overwhelming, and I let that impulse carry me into themomentum of the change.Sleep, I told the panther and for once, she did not balk.It was exhilarating,this cooperation.The shift and grind of my emerging bones was barely noticeable over my euphoria.Iechoed my feline half and stretched into the transformation, feeling a smile spring to my lips at the familiarpull of my own shoulder and back muscles.I opened my eyes to find Valentine looking at me like I was some kind of goddess. Babe.My God.It s never& it s never looked like that before.I cocked my head slightly, still reveling in the feel of my own skin. What hasn t?  The change.She sank to the ground then, clutching her right side.The parts of her face not covered in blood wereshining with sweat.She was in bad shape.I took a step forward and paused in surprise.I wasstanding.Usually, the transformation left me curled in the fetal position, jaw clenched against the agony.I was going to have to ask Karma about that.But right now, there were far more important matters athand.We had to get out of here.Val was clearly in a lot of pain, and maybe even bleeding internally.And the police back-up would be here soon.Page 169 Generated by ABC Amber LIT Converter, http://www.processtext.com/abclit.htmlI knelt at Val s side. Where s your phone, love? We need to call Helen.She shook her head. Smashed.She looked so weak, so exhausted.I briefly cupped my palm against an unbloodied part of her facebefore moving across the room to sift through the remains of my torn clothing.There. This is Alexa Newland, I said when the receptionist answered. Put me through to Helen.It s anemergency. Ms.Lambros is in a very important meeting.What is the nature of your I clenched my free hand and spoke over her, vehemently. The police are on the verge of discovering avery messy crime scene, involving the mutilated corpse of the vampire implicated in all of the recentmuggings.We need an intervention.Now. Please hold.I fidgeted, glancing from the window to Val and back again.Helen s sudden voice in my ear startled me. Where are you?I d never heard her sound so agitated. South of the Bowery.A warehouse off Water Street, nearMarket.Can you head off the police?  Stay exactly where you are.I ll be there within minutes.I ended the call and returned to Val s side.She was breathing shallowly, and her face was even palerthan usual.I dropped to my knees, shivering for the first time as the adrenaline wore off enough for me tofeel the cool air against my bare skin, and gently wrapped one arm around her shoulders. Hey.How are you feeling?Her mouth twitched [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
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