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.Chapter NineteenThe water shimmered in starlight as Crash once again walked in solitude alongthe beach.This time, however, the turbid air abounded with an uneasyquietness that betrayed impending tumult.Something was watching, calculating,and scrutinizing him with critical judgment.He could not see what it was buthe could feel its intrusive presence.The moon fell rapidly toward the Earth,dark, ominous, almost black in color.Surrounded by millions of people, heheard them demand that he do something to protect them.He looked up again just as the moon was about to smash into the Earth.Hethrew up his arms and grabbed it, stopping its decent.It crushed down on him,heavier than ever before.Tremendous lighting bolts arced between the twoworlds as billions of gigawatts of differential static charge strove toachieve a balance between the two bodies.Smoke, fire, and ozone filled theatmosphere.Pandemonium ran rampant through the hordes of people, filling thecore of their being with a fearful horror.The moon pressed down further,forcing Crash to his knees, and then to his back.He was down, broken, anddefeated.Unbearable pressure added to his sense of imminent death.Crash became desperate.He must act.With all his mental and physicalstrength, he forced the mass above him to halt and then to move ever soslightly away.He pushed harder and harder, and the mass moved further andfurther away.With one last mighty effort, he tried to put the universe backas it should be.His effort failed.Both physically and mentally spent, he hadnothing more to give to accomplish this task.The moon resumed its frightfulplunge.This time he would fail and& Horrid banshee screams from the darknessfilled his mind as he prepared to die.A hand tenderly stroked his brow."Crash," a soft voice purred."Wake up.Itis only a dream.Let it go! Wake up."Crash became confused, disoriented, disconnected from himself.The voice keptcalling, but he could not relate to it.It seemed beyond him, and yet it wasvery near."Open your eyes, Crash," the voice said."Look at me."Crash became alarmed when the Earth suddenly shook in violent quakes.He knewhe had to move, to leave, but as hard as he tried, he could not.The quakebecame more violent, and the voice grew louder."Crash, wake up.Look at me!"He tried to open his eyes but it was difficult.Finally, unfocused lightimpinged on his senses.Slowly a figure began to appear.Foggy at first, butbit by bit, a goddess appeared before him."Crash.Wake up, Crash.Look at me!As Crash's eyes slowly focused, the warmth of Lynn's gaze fully engulfed him.What a surprise! The sight of her face, framed in reddish-blond hair, and hereyes radiating warmth shocked him."Lynn!" Crash blurted."It's you! What happened? Where am I?""Crash," she replied softly."You have been asleep for three days.Apparentlyyou pushed yourself so hard that your body simply gave out on you and went tosleep.In time, you'll be fine."Page 141 ABC Amber Palm Converter, http://www.processtext.com/abcpalm.htmlCrash sat up suddenly."The last thing I remember is that Chaelmic and I weretalking about the new ships, and then moon crashed down on me.And then youwere here.""I won't tell anyone if you don't," Lynn assured him, smiling."You werehaving a terrible nightmare.It's over now!"Crash replied grimly, "I wish I could be as sure of that as you are! What hashappened while I was asleep?""Nengis wants to speak with you.He seemed quite agitated about something.Ithink it would be wise to see him soon as you're up to it.""How is the outfitting of the ships going?" Crash asked as he stood up.Then,seeing all of her casts and stitches, he realized what an ass he had made ofhimself."Forgive me, Lynn," he added shamefacedly."How are you feeling? Youshouldn't be worrying about me.You're the one who should be in bed!""I'm healing up quite nicely, Crash," Lynn replied, smiling."Doctor Nao ishighly skilled.We are very lucky to have him on our side.The ships arecoming along quite well.The crews are ahead of schedule, in fact.DP,Laughton, and Kohl are doing a marvelous job of managing the outfitting.Ifeverything goes as planned, all of the ships should be complete within sixmonths.""We will have to add some formidable weaponry, or all of this work won't meana damn thing," Crash opined dourly."Chaelmic just informed me that we are upagainst an aggressive Empire of universal proportions - one that will attemptto gain control of the SEG technology at any cost.Actually, he claims thatthe PLAG is a small part of them.If that is true, it may explain how theyseemed to have unlimited funding whenever it was required.Their monetaryresources and their actions have never added up, you know! In any case, we aregoing to have to leave here soon.They are looking for us as we speak."Crash realized that Lynn had moved closer to him."I know, Crash.I know."Their eyes met.Before he knew what had happened, their lips moved closer andwere just about to touch, when& DP walked in.Quickly, they pulled apart, hoping that they had not been seen.A big grinoverspread DP's face."I can certainly see that you're feeling much betternow, boss," he remarked."Need any help?""Mind your own business," Lynn replied sharply."Crash doesn't need any ofyour help here!"DP broke out with a huge belly laugh and slapped his thigh.Gaining control ofhimself, he cocked his head and asked slyly, "You sure?"Simultaneously, they broke into uncontrolled laughter, howling until it hurt.The three of them had needed that emotional release for some time.When thehumor of the moment finally subsided, they were much more relaxed andclear-headed.After this episode had played its course, Crash regained his composure."Well,now," he opined, "I think it's about time we got back to some serious work.Wouldn't you all agree?"Lynn did not respond, but DP was still slightly red in the face as he agreed,"Yes, of course, Boss.Back to work.""DP, you witnessed the fire-power possessed by what Chaelmic called "smallfrigates." We need weapons with vastly more power and lethality if we're goingto have any chance whatsoever of surviving the coming battle.Do you have anyideas on how to achieve that goal?""I personally can't help you in this matter, boss, but I do know people whocan.The only problem is that they are back on Earth.""How difficult will it be to acquire their services?" Crash inquired."Acquiring their services is not the problem," DP stated."Physicallyacquiring the people is the problem.They all work in PLAG research centers,which are under tightest security imaginable.""Are you saying you can't get to them?" Crash asked skeptically."I'm not saying that, Boss," DP assured him."I only mean that it will take alot of planning and some luck to pull it off.But I believe it is possible.""OK, then," Crash replied."This mission is your top priority as of right now.Page 142 ABC Amber Palm Converter, http://www.processtext.com/abcpalm.htmlUse whatever resources we have to accomplish this [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
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