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.The frontof him was quite enoughdistraction.She headed back into the kitchen.She d make him a cup of tea no, maybe cowboyspreferred coffee.She was fillingthe filter when she heard a knock on the door.The house was starting to resemble Grand CentralStation.In the entire month she dbeen here, no one had stopped by.Tonight was a circus.First the dog, then Cooper and now someone else.Julia opened the door and her worst nightmare cameout of the swirling darkness.A pistol.Aimed straight at her head.Chapter ThreeJulia screamed and her heart tried to pound its way outof her chest.She scrabbledwildly for something to use as a weapon, though sheknew it was too late.Crazily, shetried to brace herself for the shot. Trick or treat. The childish treble came fromsomewhere around her knees and shefroze.A witch, a blond Harry Potter with fake roundplastic glasses and a cowboy staredat her, frightened by her screams.The little cowboydropped his plastic gun and thewitch started crying.Not killers.School kids wanting a treat.The front door closed.Dimly, as if coming from ahundred miles away, Julia heard adeep male voice and the excited squeals of childrenfrom the porch.Then, a momentlater, the front door opened again, letting in an arcticswirl of wind. She stumbled into the little living room, her fingersclenching hard on the back of thegarish flower-covered sofa.She ignored the heavypounding in her chest and tried tocontrol the trembling in her arms.For a moment,colored lights danced before her eyesand the edges of vision started to fade like a yellowingphotograph.A hot tear droppedonto her white knuckles.Terror, loneliness, despair all jostled sharply, painfullyinside Julia s chest, as ifthere were knives in there fighting their way out,slicing her heart into shreds.She drewin a long sobbing breath as another tear squeezed outfrom behind her closed lids.Rough tremors shook her.In the instant before herknees gave way, she felt herselfhalf-lifted and turned against a broad expanse of chest.To Julia s intense horror, short, stuttering sobs rackedthrough her.She swayed andwas held tightly.Strong arms held her close and she letherself go limp.It felt like a lifetime since she had been held andcomforted by another human being. Since her parents deaths, in fact.And now Julia foundherself weeping out her fear andrage and loneliness in great, uncontrollable gaspingsobs she couldn t have repressedhad her life depended on it.She wept and wept andwept, knowing she was going to beflooded with remorse.Later.But not now.Now sheneeded the release like she neededair.Finally the giant gulping sobs subsided into hiccupsand she leaned against Coopers chest, drained and spent.His sweater was wet fromthe water leaking from her rustypipes and her eyes.She breathed deeply, aware suddenly of whose chestshe was leaning against,whose embrace she was in.One large hand held theback of her head, covering it.A hardarm was pressed against her waist, holding her tightlyto him.It was an erection.A very big one and, amazingly, itwas still growing, pulsing andlengthening against her stomach.She could feel theheat of his penis through his jeans and her dress and wondered if he could feel the suddenflush of heat blooming insideher.Julia instantly went from cold despair to a hot burst oflust.She morphed in a flashfrom distressed woman comforted by perfect stranger,to woman tightly held in the armsof an aroused man.It was enough to give a woman thebends.She should step back.This was completelyinappropriate.She knew nothing aboutthis man except that he wasn t a talker and he knewhow to fix plumbing.Well, that was a lie.She knew how big his penis was.Enormous.Julia stepped back immediately and tottered to her uglycouch.She collapsed on it,closing her eyes.I can t deal with this, she thought.Any of it.Being the object of a woman-hunt, exiled to Simpson,being terrorized by schoolkids trick-or-treating, lusting after an aroused non-talker with superb thighs.It was alltoo much. The tears had dried up, but the hot hard tangle of painin her chest still hurt.She sensed Cooper s presence by her side. Here. He curled Julia s hand around a glass half fullof liquid.Gratefully, shegulped it down then yelped as it burned its way to herstomach. What was that? she gasped, looking up at him.Hereyes filled again with tears,but a better variety of tears [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
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