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. Good morning to you, too. His rough voice carried a touch of amusement.Her eyes, locked with his, seemed to smile back with mischief.In awe, hewatched her warm mouth suck down half his cock.Her full lips drew taut untilthey were thin, pink lines moving up and down his flesh with a firm suction. Oh yeah, that s it.Suck it hard. Voice was low, ragged as his fingersclenched in her hair, setting the rhythmic rise and fall of her head.She moanedover the engorged head, sent heated vibrations up his spine. Harder, baby, andI ll come for you.She massaged and tickled his balls, and he knew that s exactly what shewanted, his seed.The understanding stroked his desire, emitting a harsh growldeep in his throat.He increased the tempo, penetrating her mouth with fast andhard thrusts. Swallow it, he moaned, holding her head in place as the first jet of hotsemen shot down her throat. I want breakfast, too, he muttered harshly,moments after he laid flat on his back groaning and gasping for air.Eager to Devil s Pact 245return the favor, savor the creamy delights between her thighs he balanced herover his abdomen with her ass toward his face and her pussy hovering over hismouth.Placing a hand along the graceful curve of her back, he lowered her to hischest. Move for me, baby.Slow and easy.I want to feel those hard nipples brushmy skin as I have cream with my sugar.His mouth feasted on her flesh while she followed instructions, writhingsinuously against his skin.His hands splayed over her buttocks and spread herfirm cheeks.His gaze locked on the pristine hole, a fresh shade of pink, wrinkledtightly just inches above his nose.He felt his cock grow hard instantly.She tookthe rigid tool in her hands, running her tongue and fingers up and down thelength.Dear, sweet Megan had no idea what he wanted.Her soft moans turnedinto whimpers of pleasure when his tongue delved into her hot little cunt as hedrove her to a feverish peak.Afterward, he carried her to bed, parted her legs and plunged inside her docilebody.They came together as he drove his cock deep into her silky depths.Theyrepeated the sensual performance several times until they were too exhausted tomove.With his arms wrapped tightly around her, he dozed in and out ofconsciousness, not sure if what he heard was Megan or a dream. Promise me, Devin, she repeated softly.Lazily, his eyelids slowly opened.He hadn t been dreaming, Megan wasreally begging him not to kill Hardin.It took a moment to gather his thoughts. Megan, he finally said in husky, sleepy tone. I can t make that promise. It happened a long time ago.It s too late for revenge now.It would bemurder.Besides, it s his word against mine. I don t want to hear it.I take your word, and that s all that matters.As forHardin, he won t ever bother you again. He was wide-awake now, and he felt herbody stiffen at the mere mention of his name.The slimy snake definitely had topay. Don t go looking for trouble on account of me. The vision of him strung upor other horrific possibilities flashed before her eyes.He could read them plain asday.There wasn t a man alive with a gun strapped on who didn t have them, only 246 Samantha Cruisehe ignored  em. If anything ever happened to you because of me& I& I&  Sheburied her face in his chest, soft whimpers escaping the tight confines.Devin didn t say anything for a long while, just held her and listened to thesoft sobs as warm tears streamed down his bare chest.He had caused many tears.Never had anyone cried for him. All I say is if you don t want me to, I won t go gunning for him.But if thesorry-assed bastard ever comes within sight of me, I ll kill him.* * * *No one mentioned Leroy Hardin s name during the days that passed while thescratches she d clawed on Devin s face healed.She was hardly foolish enough tomistake silence to mean Devin changed his mind not in the least.He readilyescorted the girls to and from school, though Megan was keenly aware of hismotives.His efforts to help around the house were an unpredicted touch.True to his word and much to her delirious gratification, while the girls wereat school, he d pull up her skirts and take her.Wherever he found her, outside inthe garden or on all fours scrubbing the floor, or gathering eggs from the coop, asif consumed by a ravenous need, a greedy, uncontrollable lust, he would ravageher.Not a single inhibition resided in his sexual nature.He used illicit words thatmade her pulse race when he told her what he wanted.He brought her to the edgeof depravity and made her beg for what she needed.Each night they fell asleep only after their bodies were sweaty, exhausted, andthoroughly sated.Intimately they learned each other s bodies, expressing theirwants and desires openly as they quietly moved from one carnal position to thenext, mindful not to wake the girls.They awoke each morning with a renewedlustful vigor, as though they hadn t fucked each other in years.Not much house cleaning or garden tending was accomplished, but Megandidn t mind.Her body was in a constant state of arousal.There was no denyingshe just couldn t seem to get enough of him and that huge, magnificent cock.Yet, in her heart, she could tell Devin waited for any opportunity to find LeroyHardin and kill him.With different excuses, he went in town more often.Megancould only wait restlessly until the time came when the two finally crossed paths. Devil s Pact 247In fear of that day, Megan rushed out of the house as soon as she noticed thatMs.Rosalinda s carriage pulled around the bend.Since Rosalinda s arrival intown after completing finishing school in Georgia last year, she was the town sfirst schoolmistress.During the past year, not once did she ever come calling,especially on a Sunday.Shelby and Emma were quite fond of their teacher.They spoke of her often.At twenty, Rosalinda was close in age to Megan, but, they had little in common.The only time they spoke was at the schoolhouse.Though pleasant enough, theyoung woman struck Megan as the type to seek female companionship only whenit benefited her.She preferred her many male admirers instead which suitedMegan just fine. My, what a pleasant surprise. Megan ignored the butterflies in her stomachand kept her voice pleasant.Standing on the porch, she spoke quickly, beforeRosalinda even brought the fancy black carriage to a halt. Rosalinda, what bringsyou out on a beautiful Sunday afternoon? I hope the girls haven t been troublingyou.Rosalina smiled and batted her eyes.To Megan, the pale flush on the well-dressed woman s cheeks made it appear as if she blushed at the inquiry. Please forgive me for not coming to pay my respects sooner.I ve beenmeaning to call on you, but I ve been so busy with school work and all. Thank you, Megan replied, adding a faint smile [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
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