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.Her taste drove him out of his head, the rich, earthy sweetness of her juices, thesilken perfection of her secret flesh.She writhed under the slow, loving lash of hisskillful tongue, her hips bucking in his grip.He held her ruthlessly still, licking andlapping at her, following the flow of energy that rose in her trembling body,pushing and coaxing.Slow and patient and relentless.He nudged her over the top and sent her flying.He drank in her pleasure, thewailing cry, the convulsions that pulsed, wet and hot and uncontrollable, ripplingthrough her slender body.He felt exultant, triumphant He lifted his head, wiped hismouth and studied her.Eyes closed, panting, her body wild-rose pink and dampwith sweat, still trembling from the aftermath.She was as relaxed as she wouldever be.His turn.Seth could barely control his own trembling eagerness as he mounted her, nudginghimself into her soft, drenched body.Her eyes flew open at the blunt intrusion, butshe opened up, embracing him.She gasped as he shoved himself halfway in. Wait a second, she begged  Let meget used to it.He cupped her face and kissed her with pleading tenderness, making tiny rockingmovements with his hips. Relax.Let me in. His voice was rough withdesperation.She clasped her legs around his hips. I swear, I'm trying.He stared into her face.Her dilated eyes were gazing at him, her lower lip swollenfrom his rough kisses, trembling again with emotion.She reached up and touchedhis damp cheek, smoothing it.She was wide open to him, utterly unmasked.Whipped cream and butter and silk,just as he had fantasized, just what he had wanted her to be.It was eerie.If it wasan act, it was an unbelievably good one. Are you always like this? he demanded, in spite of himself.Her eyes opened, dazed. Always like what?  Nothing  He shoved away the stab of incoherent anger, flexed his hips and drovehimself inside her, all the way.The tight, slick heat of her hugging the entire length of his cock swept away thelast vestiges of his self-control.He plunged in again, hearing her sharp, breathlesscries as if from a long distance.He couldn t tell if they were cries of pleasure orprotest, nor could he have changed anything if he had known.He was lost,thrusting fast and furious.Locked into his own body's savage need; no hope ofslowing, no chance of stopping.His orgasm bore down on him like a runawayfreight train, and the explosion wrenched through him with brutal force.Then he came back to himself, sprawled heavily on top of her.The silence in theroom was deafening.He lifted his weight up off of her.There was no sound but for their raggedbreathing.Her face was turned away, only the delicate curve of her flushedcheekbone was visible.He felt irrationally afraid, as if he had ruined something asit was trying to bloom.Something as soft and fragile as a butter-fly.He rolled off her, and she drew in a great, shuddering breath of air, her breathhitching in her lungs as if she were crying.He searched for something soothing orgentle to say, but his mind was blank, wiped clean by that mind-shattering orgasm.She rolled away from him and got up off the bed.Her trembling legs buckledbeneath her.She steadied herself against the wall and hurried to the bathroom.The door lock clicked, loud and harsh.He hissed softly through his teeth and sat up, burying his face in his hands.When awoman locked herself in the bathroom without a word after sex, it was not a goodsign.The rationalizations started immediately hey, she'd been willing, every step ofthe way.It had just gotten out of control at the very end.When it counted the most.Damn.The silence was driving him nuts.He pulled off the condom and disposed of it,then lay back down on the bed, arms behind his head.He prepared to wait, for aslong as it took.No way was he going to let their tryst end on this note.It was a matter of pride. Chapter 6Raine crouched in the bathtub, shaking so hard that she could barely keep herbalance.She lunged up for the shower nozzle, missed it and slid back, falling witha painful thud against the cold porcelain.Shaken to bits.This had been nothing like her fantasies.Nothing like the rude reality she had livedwith Frederick.But the Frederick episode had been stupid and embarrassing, anerror to forget and move beyond.Not like this.Not earth-shattering.Her fantasies of how sex would be with a talented lover had been soft-focus andcandlelit, glittering with tints of rose and gold like love scenes in the movies.Sethhad turned on all the lights and left them burning: No soft, romantic dimness forhim.Every detail of him was harsh and blunt and clear, his heavy, steel-hard body,his immense strength.His big penis, probing and penetrating her.His rough com-mands, his restless, ravenous masculine energy.She felt ravished, plundered.She'd had no way of knowing that it could be like thisto give herself to a man.No notion of how vulnerable her helpless, writhingresponse to him would make her feel.And now she couldn't stop shaking, couldn'tcalm down.She couldn't fall in love with a man just because she went to bed withhim.She barely knew him.She wasn't even sure yet if she liked him.For God'ssake, she was twenty-eight years old.She knew better.And he was waiting out there on the bed, as lean and hungry as a panther.Godonly knew what he was thinking.She had to go out and face him.She clutched thesides of the tub with white-knuckled hands, shaking in silent convulsions; shecouldn't tell if they were laughter or tears.Both, maybe.She had never felt sointensely alive.Seth had ripped a veil off from the world as she knew it, and everydetail glittered with unnatural brilliance.The bathroom light blinded her, the whiteporcelain of the toilet and sink glowed as if lit from within, the plain metal faucetsblazed like sunlit platinum.She was coming unglued.She finally managed to snag the shower nozzle, and bit her lip as she rinsed gentlybetween her legs, wondering if it were always going to hurt that much.She hadthought that Frederick had relieved her at least of the technical unpleasantness oflosing her virginity, but she was not to be so lucky.Maybe there was somethinganatomically wrong with her.She wouldn't be at all surprised.Granted, Seth was much more generously endowed than Frederick.But she'd beenso excited.She was still shivering with unrelieved tension, despite the stinging between her thighs.The man was addictive.Even if it hurt again, she wanted moreof him.If he was still there.It was completely quiet in the room outside.The thought slipped into her mind with the sneakiness of a cold knife between theribs.Maybe history would repeat itself, and she would come out of the bathroom tofind the room empty.She turned off the water, held very still, and listened.Nothing.She finished washing up with mechanical motions.Whether he was orwhether he wasn't, she would know as soon as she opened the door.There was nopoint in working herself into a state.Time enough for that later, her sarcastic inner voice commented.She flung her hair back over her shoulders, unlocked the door, and marched outinto the room.He was there.Oh, God, was he ever [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
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